How To Stay Fit In Cold Temps~Fitdog Friday

How To Stay Fit In Cold Temps you ask the SS gang? They stay fit by playing with their outside toys when there is snow on the ground and it’s cold outside. When it is cold they don’t think about how cold it is because they are running around playing, chasing, retrieving but most of all playing keep away from the one who doesn’t have the toy. In cold conditions you need to do short periods of play and have them come in to warm up. If it was up to the SS gang they would stay out for as long as they can. You do need to be careful of slippery area’s when playing in the cold and snow.

Here are the pictures of the SS gang’s fun in the snow.

Nellie just loves the puller toy, she will play by herself with it. She will run around with it, she will flip it up and shake it, she will play footsie with it all burning calories as she plays.

Gambler wanted to play with the jolly ball and would race around to keep it away from the girls. Glory did manage to get the other jolly ball so she could have some fun too.


The fun and games continue every Friday with FitDog Friday, the weekly Blog Hop brought to you by To Dog With LoveSlimDoggy and Emma from Mygbgvlife to promote a healthy active lifestyle for pets (and their people, too!). Join in every Friday by linking up your FitDog story or visiting the blogs in the Hop.
January has been declared “Get Fit with Your Pet” month.  Resolve to keep you and your pet healthy and fit for 2015.


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Black And White Sunday~Jolly New Fun

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March is poison prevention awareness month. Click here to see the 10 ten toxins that poison our pets.


We are joining Dachshund Nola & Sugar The Golden Retriever for the Black and White Sunday Blog Hop.

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Wordless Wednesday~Jolly Fun



Wordless Wednesday is a community linkup of bloggers. Visit our host, BlogPaws, and you can use the icons below the post to hop from site to site. It is a great way to discover new blogs…..or even just a convenient way to find all of your favorites in one place. When you visit each site, be sure to leave a comment and let them know you found them through Wordless Wednesday.

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