Monday Mischief ~Sticky Mouth


Gambler, Gambler, Gambler is about all I can say……Yesterday we had another UKC HRC hunt test hosted by WISILL club. Gambler and I were running our second seasoned test today. It was a fair test the judges set up. Started out with a walk up, I shot at the bird, blew my whistle and Gambler sat there like a statue until I released him. Picked up the bird and came back where I took it from him. We continued up to the line where we had to start off picking up a water blind. I shot the shotgun to signal there was a blind to be run and he lined the blind across the pond with one whistle sit refusal when he got near the blind, I tried to sit him to cast him back to the blind but he “winded” in and didn’t sit and just went and grabbed the blind. It was a 32 yard blind through hopping water. Next was the double on water. He lined both marks and brought the birds back to me with no problems, on his way back with the last bird I had to shoot a diversion bird. He went and picked that up and I thought we were home free. Until the mischief began…….I told Gambler “out” to release the bird and he wouldn’t release the bird. I tried everything to get him to release, I got him up and moved him, I sat him down and tried again, I got up and moved again but he was locked tight on the bird. He wasn’t giving it to me. I finally had to manually open his mouth to get the bird out and since I did that he didn’t “deliver to hand” so we failed. What he did was what we call “sticky mouth” and it is a no no and you need to be on top of it before it gets out of hand. The only reason I would think Gambler did that was because he wanted to keep working and he is catching on that when he gets his birds he is done working and back to the truck so if he doesn’t give up the bird he thinks he is still out working, at least that is my thoughts on it.

On a much happier note and only a little mischief Glory and I passed her first started test. She has been having a issue with swimming out to long marks by not getting in or getting in swimming a few yards and coming back. She jumped in and got her short mark with no problems came back and on to birds number two which was a long mark. I lined her up, bird came out released her and she went to the side of me and was looking down the bank to see if she could get there another way, I rehealed her and send her again and she went only two feet, I then said “fetch it up” and she jumped in and swam right to the mark and brought it back. She passed by the skin on her teeth. Time to work on more water work!


This is a blog Hop!

monday mischief

This is a Blog Hop. Thanks to Alfie’s Blog, Snoopy’s Dog Blog , Luna, a Dog’s Life , and My Brown Newfies for setting up this hop. Please go to any of the sponsoring blogs to find out who else has been mischievous.

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