2020 was certainly a different year than all the others with COVID-19 showing up and putting a damper on things mainly dog training and events. We still managed to have a good year at Sand Spring, here are the highlights of the year.

Slammer the year off with a bang, he managed to pull off 5 titles in January. He was tested out for his AKC Canine Good Citizen, Trick Dog Novice, Trick Dog Intermediate, Trick Dog Advanced and UKC Socialized Pet Obedience Test. He was just shy of one year old.

Gertie was the chosen one to stay at Sand Spring out of all the reforms. They all went to their new homes and little lime girl stayed. Her full registered name is Sand Spring Strong Spear we picked this name because John wanted to name her Gertie so I researched what Gertie meant and in German it meant Strong Spear so that she became.

January 31, Slammer turned one year old. He has been such a joy as a pup it’s now time to enjoy him as a young adult.

February 6th Guilty turned 4 years old. Time is going fast with her.

Slammer became my 4th therapy dog with Alliance Of Therapy Dogs, he was tested and evaluated he passed with flying colors, He was able to start doing therapy work before COVID-19 hit. He even managed to do 10 pet therapy visits and receive his AKC Therapy Dog Novice title.

Glory completed 50 pet therapy dog visits on February 12.

She visited 3 different schools for pet therapy and then 1 school for R.E.A.D. program. She received her AKC Therapy Dog Title.

April 2020 WI was shut down due to COVID-19 and masks were to be worn. Slammer did a photo shoot with his mask on how to properly wear a mask.

Gambler turned 9 on May 13th. He doesn’t act like a 9 year old, he has a little sugar on his face but his attitude and personality is all young. He still gets into mischief by destroying things when left unattended. He still trains with the other dogs and does a little more sleeping these days.

Even know COVID-19 was in effect we were able to compete in a dock diving event. This was the first dog event we have gotten to do since the shut down. Slammer jumped 5 times and received his Master title in the North American Diving Dog association. AKC recognizes this title as well so he added DM to his registered name. His personal best was 22.8 ft.

Gertie receives 5 titles on June 13th. She received her AKC Trick Dog Novice, Canine Good Citizen, Community Canine, Canine Good Citizen Urban and her UKC Socialized Pet Obedience Test.

Slammer received his AKC Community Canine and Canine Good Citizen Urban titles on June 13th.

He also received his AKC Farm Dog Certification. Slammer was the first Sand Spring dog to receive the FDC title.

Gertie along with John ran her first two AKC Junior Hunter tests the weekend of July 20th. They passed each day. This was the first hunt tests done this year.

Gertie received her AKC Trick Dog Intermediate and Advanced titles.

Gertie received her 3rd AKC Junior Hunter pass. She only needed one more for her title. JoAnn took her in September to run a test and unfortunately she failed so no title this year.

Slammer had a big weekend in August, on the weekend of the 28th he was entered into 4 UKC Rally Obedience tests and 4 conformation dog shows, he was shown previously in conformation last February where he received 3 conformation wins he just needed points to finished his title. He managed to title in Rally Obedience 1 and finish his conformation title as well as receiving a Total Dog status for qualifying in an performance and receiving a win in the conformation ring showing he is a Total Dog.

In October Slammer was entered in 3 Rally Obedience 2 events. He had a great weekend and passed all three tests to receive his UKC RO2 title.

On November 6th Gertie turned one year old. This gal has a personality of no other and is full of life. She sure does put smiles on our faces.

On Thanksgiving day while watching the National Dog Show we saw a picture that I had taken of Guilty on the banner for the Sporting Dog class. I didn’t know they would be using the photo but it sure was nice to see Guilty on TV. My friends were messaging me saying they saw Guilty on TV. Nice to see my photos and my beautiful dogs are showcased on TV.

Glory turned 9 on December 4th. She doesn’t act like a 9 year old either. She doesn’t have as much sugar as Gambler. She is such a easy keeper I can trust her with anything.

So far Slammer and his sister Gunney are holding their UKC Top Ten conformation spots. They are still going through some shows in December but it seems Slammer might be the number 1 Chesapeake in the UKC Top Ten. He will be the third Sand Spring dog to receive this recognition. His brother helded the Top Ten spot for two years in a row and his momma Guilty for one year. If he continues to be in the number 1 spot after all the shows are done he will be invited to the UKC Premier in 2021.

Usually the end of September we pack up the dogs and truck and head to Saskatchewan. This year that all changed, because of COVID-19 the borders were closed so we were not allowed into Saskatchewan. This would be the first year since 2009 that we haven’t went. We were able to do some hunting in Wisconsin. Each dog was able to get out and get some doves, ducks, geese and pheasants. We have continued to guide for other hunters pheasant hunting at the game farm. The dogs get to hunt without having to pay for a hunt at the game farm and I get paid for it so it’s a win win.

We ended 2020 with a pretty big accomplishment. Gertie was evaluated for pet therapy through Alliance Of Therapy Dogs and she passed. Pending Alliance approval Gertie will be Sand Spring’s 5th therapy dog. Dieter which is a Josey/Norman son also passed his therapy dog evaluation and his AKC Trick Dog Intermediate, Dieter is the second Crawfish dog to have his therapy title as Josey (Glory/Thunder 2015 pup) has hers. The little punkin in the picture is Carmelita, she is a Glory grand daughter she passed her AKC Canine Good Citizen, Trick Dog Novice and her UKC SPOT-ON.
Here’s hoping 2021 has more normalcy so I can spend more time with my dog friends doing dog events.
We weren’t able to do all the events or see all the friends we wanted to this last year but it was still a great year for us as we have our health and our dogs which is a blessing that we will look upon in the year ahead.
Happy New Year all!
What a year!!!
so great that you made the best of this haunted year… and we hope so much that 2021 brings good things to all of us…