The American Chesapeake Club
Cordially Invites You to Attend Wisconsin’s 10th Annual Chesapeake Fun Day
April 26th, 2025 at the Stancer Homestead (Stancerville)
All Chesapeake’s, including puppies and their families and friends are welcome!!!
8:00 a.m. SHARP! Registration and introduction to the Chesapeake weekend. Tickets sold and drawn for the meat raffle.
8:30 a.m. Field work begins and goes through the whole day. Land available, small pond on property if weather permits.
10:00 -1:00 p.m. NEW Caricature artist Bernie with About Faces Entertainment
10:00 – 11:30 a.m. NEW Conformation Demo with Karrie Dollar, AKC Judge.
11:00 a.m. Early Bird raffle items drawn. No need to be present. Pick up at leisure.
10 – 2:00 p.m. LUNCH Food Truck – Any Street
1:00 p.m. Field work continues with water work.
1:00 p.m. Spaniel Hunt Test Demo. 15 Teams.
3 – 3:30 p.m. Raffle.
*Activities for 2025* 9:00 a.m. AKC CGC and UKC SPOT, Trick dog testing (Ask for Suellen, JoAnn or Tom).
Nail Trims by Laura, $5.00. *NEW* Bozo the Clown Bucket Game.
T-Shirts: Chessie fun day T-shirts can be ordered from Outdoormamadesigns, Amy will be taking orders now until April 12th to ensure you get in time for the event. Other CFD items will be available to purchase, follow the CFD facebook page for info on mugs, tumblers, towels ect.
Ducks: Ducks (live flyers) will be available for training today. The cost of one duck will be $20.00. Ducks must be paid for ahead of time, limit of one duck per dog. You may take your duck home for continued training. The deadline for duck sales is April 11th.
Chuckers: Chuckers will be used for the spaniel hunt test demo, 1 chucker per team. The cost will be $15.00 Limited to the first 15 entries.
Raffle: There will be the normal raffle, and one meat- card raffle again this year with proceeds from the meat raffle to go to Chessie rescues, the meat raffle will start at 8am, continue until all cards are sold, then drawn. Regular raffle tickets will be on sale all day with early bird drawings around 11am, no need to be present, raffles will be drawn, and tickets attached to item so you can check your tickets against the early bird items throughout the day. The rest of the raffles will be drawn from 3-3:30pm. Please bring a dog-related item for the raffle, booze and people’s things accepted as well (remember, this raffle helps to pay for next year’s Chesapeake Fun Day activities).
Lunch: Food Truck – Any Street Grill – Bring Your Own Beverages (water will be provided). Some snacks and breakfast items will be available.
Microchipping: Microchipping will be available for your pet again this year. $10.00 per microchip.
· Dog(s) must be on a leash (electronic collar allowed) or in a crate at all times when you’re not working.
· There are poop pick-up bags available a rake and shovel. Please always clean up after your dog(s)
· Bring your own lawn chairs, lawn blankets, ez-ups, and rain gear.
Motels/Campground · Glacier Valley Campground (2 miles from our house) 920-348-5488
· Super 8 Portage, WI (20 miles from our house) 608-742-8330
· Super 8 Beaver Dam, WI (30 miles from our house) 920-887-8880