Bank Day~Wordless Wednesday

Gambler was a hit at the drive up the girls in the bank gave him 2 treats.


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20 Replies to “Bank Day~Wordless Wednesday”

  1. Emmadog

    Nice. I don’t think we get treats at the drive through window, but we are in the back of the car strapped in, so they probably don’t see us.

  2. easyweimaraner

    what? you got treats? You probably have the best bank of the world… I only got a roll with kitchentowels to remove the mail I wrote on the bank statement printer :o(

  3. Elaine

    Gambler scored TWO treats! I love it when the pups gets treats. We once went through an Arby’s drive-thru and the girl at the window asked if it was okay if she gave Haley some sliced roast beef. She came back to the window with a huge chunk of beef for Haley, very sweet!

  4. tylersat99

    Our bank never gave treats, most of our drive through food places use to give them to Lexie and Mica. Mica has never been big on treats so Lexie was happy to eat both. No one gives treats anymore:(