Your leash has been hung up, your kennel will be empty, your bed will no longer keep you warm, no more looking shifty eye to make sure Gambler is no where’s near you, no more pond time and most of all no more hunting time. You have blessed us with two kids and one grandkid. You are no longer walking by our sides but your paw prints remain in our hearts forever. March on Guilty to the land we can not see where the birds and treats are always plentiful. Your 6 years was not long enough but it was long enough for a million memories. Thank you for your therapy dog service and for bringing smiles and love to all. Your liver wasn’t strong enough to carry you any longer. Peace my friend, till we meet again.
UNJ U-CH Sand Spring Guilt By Association SH THDN CGCA CGCU TT SPOT-ON 2/6/16 – 6/28/22 #guiltychesapeake #sandspringchesapeakes #stancervilleÂ

Thank you to everyone for your outpouring of love and concern.