Happy Birthday Max and Maggie if your still alive, ( lost track of them over the years). In the past two years Summer, Libby and Riley passed away. Sad when all your puppies from your litter are gone. Bless

Our foundation bitch HRCH Sand Spring Hurricane Nellie SH
Sandspring’s Pearly Mae was born onto this earth on 12/25/07. She was one of seven litter-mate’s born to our foundation bitch Nellie. This was Nellie and Sand Spring’s first litter and a start of something wonderful.
For our first breeding we chose to use HRCH AM CH INTL CH* Nordom’s Apache Rebel MH WDQ “Rebel” as the sire and what beautiful puppies they made.
Mike Fischer was on our list for a puppy out of this litter. He came and picked out orange girl. He gathered her up in his arms and left behind for John and I a hand carved Canvasback decoy with the inscription “Thanks for Pearl”. A friendship was made that day that will be special.
Pearl knew from the moment she got home she was going to be a hunter and she wasn’t messing around she wanted to go go go.
One of her first hunts under a year of age was to North Dakota to get her first Canvasback! It was a start of a wonderful hunting adventure with Pearl and Mike. They put on many miles and filled the freezer with many birds.
Besides hunting Pearl and Mike competed in UKC and AKC hunt tests. She received her AKC Junior Hunter Title.
When not hunting Pearl was getting the love of her family members. She will be missed dearly by Mike, Lisa, Jada and Patrick.
One summer when Pearl was young she spent time with the trainer. We would go visit her while she was there. John hanging out with Momma Nellie and Pearl on one of our visits.
The best times of all were our many trips to Saskatchewan with Mike and Pearl along with the other hunters and their dogs. For the past 10 years she was doing what she was bred for, she was under the big sky retrieving anything from ducks to geese of all variety’s to sharp tail grouse. She would retrieve them all with power and force.
Pearl got to hunt with her buddies: Cooper, Sadie, Grandpa Norman, Momma Nellie, Uncle Gambler, Half Sister Glory, Aunt Marie, Niece Guilty, Niece Preacher, Louie, Zeke, Duke, Nova. The best part for us was she got to she was born into Sand Spring and she got to hunt with other Sand Spring dogs along with our hunting buddies dogs. I’ll never forget Norman teaching Pearl the best spot in the farm house was under the table. After Norman passed that was her spot. She kept us entertained at the farm house by bringing us stuff she retrieved from socks to the littlest piece of wood she found laying around.
Pearl came to WI many times to visit as well. She got to hunt on the pheasant farm in the area and hunt on our public hunting grounds. She came to the 4 ACC WI Chessie Day events right up to this year’s one when her DM was taking over her back legs she went out and retrieved that duck, her mind was all in but her back legs weren’t, with a little help from Mike and his sling she was in heaven again retrieving.
Pearl, Saskatchewan this year will not be the same with out you. We will have a toast in your honor for the many years you were with us. You will never be forgotten as you left many paw prints on our hearts. We will miss you dearly but we know you will be looking down from above and wondering why we missed that bird and will be shaking your head at us and you will be running with your now good legs to go and get it for us!
May the road rise to meet you
May the wind be always at your back
May the sun shine warm upon your face
The rains fall soft upon your fields
And until we meet again
May God hold you in the palm of his hand
Where to Bury a Dog
But there is one best place to bury a dog. If you bury him in this
spot, he will come to you when you call – come to you over the grim, dim
frontiers of death and down the well remembered path to your side again.
And though you call a dozen living dogs to heel, they shall not growl
at him nor resent his coming, for he belongs there. People may scoff at you,
who see not the lightest blade of grass bend by his foot-fall, who hears no
whimper, people who may never really have had a dog. Smile at them, for you
shall know something that is hidden from them.
The one best place to bury a good dog is in the heart of his master.
Just A Dog
From time to time people tell me, “Lighten up, it’s just a dog,” or, “That’s a lot of money for just a dog,” They don’t understand the distance traveled, time spent, or costs involved for “Just a dog.” Some of my proudest moments have come about with “Just a dog.” Many hours have passed with my only company being “Just a dog,” and not once have I felt slighted. Some of my saddest moments were brought about by “Just a dog.” In those days of darkness, the gentle touch of “Just a dog” provided comfort and purpose to overcome the day.
If you, too, think its “Just a dog,” you will probably understand phrases like “Just a friend,” “Just a sunrise,” or “Just a promise.” “Just a dog” brings into my life the very essence of friendship, trust, and pure unbridled joy. “Just a dog” brings out the compassion and patience that makes me a better person. Because of “Just a dog” I will rise early, take long walks and look longingly to the future.
For me and folks like me, it’s not “Just a dog.” It’s an embodiment of all the hopes and dreams of the future, the fond memories of the past, and the pure joy of the moment. “Just a dog” brings out what’s good in me and diverts my thoughts away from myself and the worries of the day.
I hope that someday people can understand it’s not “Just a dog.” It’s the thing that gives me humanity and keeps me from being “Just a man or woman.”
So the next time you hear the phrase “Just a dog,” smile, because they “Just Don’t Understand.”
*Richard A. Biby
Pearly Mae, thank you for the friendship you started by bringing Mike and Lisa into our lives. It all started out long ago with a wee little pup we are so fortunate that Mike chose a Sand Spring pup because the world has been a better place with all of you in our lives. Peace, love and hope in the days ahead to your family you left behind. You maybe gone but not forgotten!
Here are some video’s of Pearl.
Enjoy that everlasting JOYRIDE in the SKY!
This spring I had Petsessories make me some Interchangeable Armband Number Holders for two junior handlers Willow and Sophia, if you didn’t see the post you can read it here. I then had an armband custom made for my buddy Tom who show’s one of my puppies Josey. Since Tom is a hunter and Josey is his hunting dog I thought it would be cool to have a armband made in camo with a shotgun shell as the jewel for the middle to hold the event number.
Armband custom made for Tom.
Amy did a fabulous job and made just what I wanted so then I had another request. I thought about a custom armband for my friend and I using camo ribbon, a shotgun shell from one of our own shells we have used during hunting and then ashes from our beloved pets that have left us. I felt a little strange emailing Amy and asking her if she could full fill my request. It started out asking her if she could put some ashes behind the shotgun shell and seal over it so our dogs could always be with us at events. I didn’t know how Amy would take the request and I’m happy to say she was so open to the idea and was honored to make us a memorial armband.
Ashes and spent shells.
I then asked my friend for some ashes of her two dogs that have passed away and then a shotgun shell that she wanted to use in a craft I was having made. I didn’t tell her what I was up to and she got me what I needed. I got ashes from Norman and Nellie my two foundation Chesapeakes at Sand Spring that have passed away. I then took a spent shell from my last hunt with Norman in Saskatchewan and sent the works to Amy to have her work her magic.
JoAnn’s armband front and back.
Amy kept in contact with me through out the whole process, she showed me what her thoughts were and then the progress during the making of the custom armbands.
The front of the cover.
The covers are removal or Interchangeable as her logo describes. I can take the cover off the armband and change it out with another cover if I want to. I can put either side out so people can see it.
The back of the cover.
While designing the memorial piece Amy asked for pictures of our dogs. I sent her some photos of my dogs and my friends dogs. She incorporated them into the memorial. I asked that she put the ashes behind the spent shell but Amy was able to find a locket where she could put a picture on one side, the shell on the other and have the ashes in between where they are visible no matter what side is showing.
She then went further and attached the memorial locket with a lobster claw. It can be removed from the cover. I loved this idea and was hoping I would be able to remove it as I was thinking I would love to wear it around my neck when I’m not at an event, that way I could enjoy it and show it off more times through out the year.
A video of the ashes moving in the locket.
Selfie time showing off the memorial locket as a necklace. I am so happy with my purchase and so happy with the results. A multi functional piece.
Amy did a beautiful job on my friend Lynne’s armband. Her’s is made with ashes from her first chocolate lab Katie and GSP Daisy. She hadn’t opened their ashes ever after they were cremated. I was honored that they trusted me enough to open them up and see them to give me a little piece of each of them.
Daisy and Katie.
Lynne’s first two loves.
A couple weeks ago I gave Lynne her memorial. She was in awe with the piece and thought it was very special.
When Amy sent her work back to me she included the spent shells and ashes that she didn’t use. Some people are creeped out at remains so I can’t thank Amy at Petsessories enough for full filling my request and not thinking twice about it. She did a beautiful job on both pieces and now we have our dogs with us at all times. I’ve already had many compliments on my piece while wearing it around my neck. I don’t have an upcoming rally o event until the end of August so until then it will be around my neck.
If you would like to follow Amy on Facebook you can visit her page here. Visit her Etsy shop here.
The First Year Without Nellie
You haven’t been far from my mind. You’ve been with me every step of my way nestled away in my heart for the past year. Thank you for the almost 13 years you gave to me. Thank you for being our foundation bitch at Sand Spring Chesapeakes, it all goes back to you and Norman, without you two we wouldn’t be where we are today. I have a litter of your grandkids now and I am ever so thankful for what you have taught me about raising puppies. You made it seem so easy. I see you in Glory when Glory is taking care of the niners. Thank you for passing on your maternal instincts you will forever be with us.
I won’t be sad today, I will hold my head high and say thank you for being you and the time that you gave us!
Peace Nellie Belly, Turd, Granny, Nellieneizer!
A Year and A Month in Review
My year in review starts back in December 14, 2016 when John and I drove to Eau Clair, WI to pick up Riggs one of our puppies out of Glory and Thunder’s 2015 litter. Rigg’s current family at the time couldn’t keep him because of unforeseen circumstances. They tried and tried and finally made the call to me to help them out. We gladly welcomed Riggs back home to Sand Spring Chesapeakes. Riggs was 17 months at the time and still intact, being that we have Gambler who is intact as well and has a case of short man syndrome our best friend and neighbor Roger agreed to house Riggs and have him be his dog and a co-owner with us. Riggs former family still follows along with Riggs adventures and we are still friends, they will always be the reason for Riggs great upbringing.
A couple weeks later we got a call that Preacher needed to come back home as she wasn’t working out in her new home, there was personality conflicts between the two girls that lived together so on Christmas eve Preacher came back to live with us again. All our pups are welcome back home, we hope that they won’t be coming back home but sometimes things don’t work out like we hope and we need to do what is right and take responsibility for the lives we helped put on this earth. We had a full Christmas with Grandma Nellie, Glory, Gambler, Preacher, Guilty and MK all living at our house.
We all rang in the New Year of 2017 together. 2017 brought many ups and a few downs. The winter wasn’t a terrible one so we were able to get out and do some hunt test training. Riggs only had obedience work done with him so at 17 months we had to start out from scratch. Roger along with John and I tackled his training, since we were training him we trained Guilty at the same time since she is 6 months younger. Riggs really wanted to please and was doing really well with his training. Once the weather got nicer and the pond opened up it was time to see what he would do in the water. He hadn’t swum as a little puppy so it took some time for him to figure out the water and now he is like a fish.
February 12th Guilty received her UKC Show Champion title under judge Barbara Burns. Host club was the WI Boston Terrier Association held in Ixonia, WI. She was just a week over her first birthday.
March 9th, Guilty received her Alliance of Therapy Dogs and her R.E.A.D (Reading Educated Assistance Dog) certification. Guilty is doing therapy work at Beaver Dam and Fall River Middle School.
In March Preacher received her UKC Top Ten status certificates as well as her invitation to perform at the UKC Premier this coming June in the Top Ten Breed and Dog Standing show.
Grandma Nellie turned 12 in October of 2016. Over the winter she was having troubles with her back legs. She was showing neurological signs. She would crisscross her back legs, they would go out on her and she would fall over, she wasn’t able to jump on the bed like she could in the past she was slowly going downhill. Her mind was still all there so you could see her give it her all until the night of March 14th,when I got home from work and John let the gang out to meet me in the garage she ran out to meet me and then she just stood there and wouldn’t move. She stared at me and I could tell by the look in her eyes that there was something wrong with her. She was a little old lady telling me her time was up. We spend the next day loving on each other and the night she spent loving on John. They said their goodbyes as I knew when I took her to work with me the next day March 16th, that we would run some tests but I knew in my heart she wouldn’t be coming home. It turned out that she had a heart base tumor and it was bleeding making it hard for her to breath. It was time for her to be at peace. She was an amazing dog, mother, grandmother and best friend. She was our first breeding bitch and gave us 3 wonderful litters. She taught us so much about raising puppies, hunting and living life to the fullest. She will forever be our turd.
May 13-14th Momma Glory came out of retirement for the Dodge County Canine Club show to show in the champion class for a chance to get a leg towards her grand champion title and she took Best Of Breed at one of the shows to receive one leg out of 5 for her title.
In June Guilty received her AKC Therapy Dog Novice title and her Canine Good Citizen title. She completed 10 therapy visits for her title.
Guilty attended the 2017 UKC Premier in Kalamazoo, MI. She tried her paw at lure coursing where she ended the course too early so didn’t receive any passes, she did receive her United Novice Jumper title completing 5 jumps in the novice level. She also won Best Of Breed in one of the dog shows she attended, with that win she got one pass towards her grand champion title and a spot in the top ten breed and dog standing.
Gambler received his AKC Trick Dog Novice and Intermediate titles.
July 30th Sand Spring Lethal Weapon JH “Riggs” received his AKC Junior Hunter title. Host club was the Wisconsin Amateur Field Trial Club, his judges were Richards Andrews and Carol Greenwald.
Then in August Riggs received his UKC HRC Started Title. He went 4 for 4 on his tests. Host club was Muddy Waters HRC.
August 22nd Riggs passed his AKC Canine Good Citizen test while Guilty passed her AKC Community Canine and Urban tests. Gambler and Glory both passed their Canine Good Citizen Urban test.
Over Labor Day weekend Guilty and I set off for Madison Retriever Clubs fall hunt test. She needed one more pass for her AKC Junior Hunter title which she pulled off. She is now UNJ UCH Sand Spring Guilt By Association JH THDN CGCU.
Preacher left our home for her forever home with George and Susie. John and I have known George forever through our trapping and selling of hides. George is retried now and was looking for a chessie. We told him about Preacher he came and hung out with her and took her home. She has been living the life as an only dog, she has been to North Dakota hunting, up north hunting, hunting on the Mississippi river, fishing with George, going to church with George, she spends all her time right by his side. I couldn’t of asked for a better home, I am happy she and George have each other.
Riggs received his UKC Conformation Champion title on September, 11 2017 at Central Wisconsin Kennel Club. This weekend there were 4 UKC shows, Riggs needed to get BOB in three of the shows in which he did. Judges for the shows were Dr. Bev Siglfelten, Jeanne Heger, and Stanley Matsumoto. Under judge Stanley Riggs received a Group 4 out of 7 dogs in the Gun Dog group. Riggs was handled by Tom Pawlisch
The end of September Guilty and Riggs took their American Temperament Test, both passed with middle of the road scores. They have even temperament. “A Sound Mind In A Sound Body”. With Labor Day brings the beginning of the school year so our pet therapy starts up as well. Each session I rotate out the dogs. Gambler, Glory and Guilty all have their titles so I take one each time. I took Glory a few extra times this fall as I knew she would be coming into heat later in the winter and we would be breeding her so she wouldn’t be able to do therapy. Gambler has started back up with the Beaver Dam Middle school kids. He is in one room this year, I have just taken Gambler so far as the kids that need the pet therapy have requested just Gambler come visit as it will help them with consistency. I figure any way I can help these kids make it through the day we will do. I’ve visited some of these kids for 4 years, it’s nice to see the changes in the kids and know that Gambler is helping them out.
This fall once again we packed up our gear and headed off to Saskatchewan, Canada to snow goose hunt. We took all three dogs, this year I hunted with Guilty all week and John had both Gambler and Glory one on each side during hunting. I had a lot of fun with Guilty, this was my first-year hunting with her as John hunted with her last year. We had a successful hunt, made many new memories with our friends that go with us and we got to hunt with one of Nellie’s puppies again. Pearl who turned 10 on Christmas this year hunted with us again and she did an awesome job for a senior gal. Nellie made the trip with us, she hunted with Guilty and I and on our last day of hunting some of her remains stayed behind in the field we hunted. She also was laid to rest in Kerrie’s flower garden. It was her final flight. Part of her and her father Norman are in a place that we will all ways cherish.
We spent the fall hunting and guiding with our dogs at Lone Oak Pheasant Preserve. The dogs loved being able to hunt pheasants with others. The clients loved hunting with dogs that would flush and retrieve, we all had a great time.
Glory came into heat this fall/winter just like we knew she would. I had spent many months researching stud dogs. We made a decision on who we were going to use so we put our ducks in a row and when it was time for the breeding to take place there was an unfortunate turn of events with the stud dogs semen sample so we needed to come up with another stud quickly. When your bitch is in heat there is a small window of time when things need to get done correctly. We decided we would do a repeat breeding with Bear (Guilty’s dad), a surgical insemination was done on December 13th. Everything went according to text book just like it did in 2015 when we did the exact same breeding, it wasn’t until a week later that things went aray and we would be left wondering if this pregnancy would take place. Glory had a reaction and got an infection next to the surgical incision which is assumed to be from the extender in the frozen semen sample. She needed to be sedated and a drain was placed by her mammary glands to drain the fluid that has accumulated. A couple trips were made during this time to have ultrasounds done to make sure she didn’t have a pyometra. She was put on antibiotics and is healing up really well. We won’t know until the second week of January if the pregnancy took so as we come to the last day of this year we hope to close out the teary days and enter into 2018 with smiles, relief, good heath and little brown furry ones.
Thank you to all who follow Sand Spring Chesapeakes, those who support us and share in our happy moments and are there for the sad moments. Life is about ups and downs and without friends and family it would be a lot harder to get through the days so we thank you and love you all. May you all have a blessed and healthy New Year!
Happy 8th Birthday Nellie & Tiny’s 09 Litter.
I saw this poem on Facebook yesterday so I thought was appropriate to share it today. It sums up breeders really well.
A Reputable Breeder’s Poem
–Author Unknown
You’ll love your little puppy, she’ll make your house a home.
She’ll be your very best friend, you’ll never feel alone.
She’ll make you smile, she’ll make you laugh,
She’ll fill your heart with love…….
Did she come from a breeder or did she fall from heaven above?
If you’ve never been a breeder or seen life through their eyes
as you hold your little puppy, please don’t criticize.
You don’t know of all the anguish and the times that bring such pain.
When we lose the battle with a little one and the tears flow like rain.
Sometimes we sit the whole night through waiting for babies to be born.
Oh the stress and trepidation when they’re still not here by dawn.
Or the panic of holding a tiny baby in our hands who weighs but 60 grams
Do I do this instead of that or that instead of this?
Alone we fight and hope we won’t give him his last little kiss.
We pray he’ll live to bring some joy and make a house a home
We know it’s up to us and we fight this fight alone.
Formula, bottles, heating pads, we have to get it right
Two hour feedings for this tiny guy throughout the day and night.
In our hearts we know we are probably going to lose this epic fight but we keep trying to save him because God willing we just might.
Day one he’s in there fighting; we say a silent prayer
Day two & three he’s doing well, with lots of love and care
Day four & five…..he’s still alive, our hopes soar to Heaven
Day six he slips away again, dies in our hands day seven.
We take this little angel and bury him alone:
With aching heart and burning tears and an exhausted groan
We ask ourselves “Why do this? Why suffer all this grief & pain?
To help them live to grow up strong and see the joy your puppy brings – this self explains.
So when you think of breeders and label them with “GREED”,
If you have a happy & healthy puppy it’s cause they filled his every need.
When you buy a puppy, and with your precious dollars part,
You only pay with money … we pay with a piece of our heart.
Riley, Libby, Maggie, Summer, Junior & Max hope you all have a great Birthday and many more!
SHR Sand Spring All Season Adventure – Riley
HRCH Sand Spring Hurricane Nellie SH x HRCH Woodland Bay’s Gaelic Destiny MH
2009 litter
Riley and Justin who is a guide at All Season’s Adventure in Wisconsin are having a great season of waterfowl/upland hunting. She is one lucky gal to be able to go out and hunt so much.
Here is a short video of Riley retrieving two ducks at once. Her Grandpa Norman would do this all the time so it is fun to see her carry on the tradition.
Thanks Justin for giving this gal the opportunity to get out there and do what she was bred to do. Love seeing all the hunting photos!
Sand Spring Pearly Mae JH
HRCH Sand Spring Hurricane Nellie SH x HRCH AMR CH INT’L CH* Nordom’s Apache Rebel MH WDQ
Just about 10 years old and Pearl is going strong in Saskatchewan. She had a great hunt this year. She is 55# and with the heart and desire to get those geese she gives it her all and makes it look effortless. She is methodical on her retrieves. We had a couple of long floaters and Pearl didn’t hesitate to go after them she has been a great hunting companion for Mike. I’ve enjoyed hunting with her each year. Hopefully she has many years left, she sure didn’t show any signs of slowing down this year.
Have a great fall hunting season Pearl, see ya next year in Saskatchewan!
Nellie’s Final Flight To Saskatchewan
Happy 13 Birthday in heaven to Sand Spring foundation bitch Nellie. You made your final trip to Saskatchewan with me this past week and sat along by my side and your grand daughter Guilty. Part of you was left behind in the fields we used to hunt together and in Kerry’s lovely flower beds that we got to enjoy when she was alive as well. I hope your both together looking down on us and smiling as I’m looking up at you missing you each day. Thank you for being the best mom, grandma and best friend! Without you I wouldn’t have my two lovely girls that I hug and kiss each day and see a part of you in them. Run free my love in the big blue sky may the birds be plentiful and the wind always at your back.
Thank you Norman and Abby for a wonderful daughter!
Happy Saturday All!
Last week I got a really neat package in the mail. My friend Paulette from Cape Cod send me a little memorial for Nellie who passed away on March 16, 2017. She sent me a antique stain glass duck and an Mr and Mrs Quack plate. This is what Paulette says about the items: The plate is made on Cape Cod and is a Pairpoint Cup Plate from the 70’s. People here collect them and put them in their windows. I have a Mr and Mrs Quack plate as well. Hugs
What a very thoughtful gift, I just love them and am displaying them on Norman and Nellie’s memorial. I can see them everything I sit in my chair in the living room.
I got another memorial piece for the display as well from Aunt Kimmi’s Pretty Little Things. I got a memorial candle with Nellie’s name on it so now it can shine bright along side of Norman’s candle. They are together again.
I thank Thee, Oh Lord, for the rivers, woods, and fields wherein lie the game birds I love to hunt. I thank Thee also for the men and women who protect and preserve wild life in all its forms so that future generations will have the healthful pleasures of hunting and fishing. My master means more than life or death to me and I pray for intelligence, ability, and strength to understand and execute his or hers commands and desires. May our companionship lead to complete understanding so that our moments will be the happiest of all. Help my master to comprehend that I will gladly give my life for them, be they millionaire or pauper. Their love and confidence is all I ask. I beseech you to guide him or her and protect them from thoughts, deeds, or actions which will disturb the faith of others in them. I want my master to be respected by their friends as I look up to them. The wag of my tail indicated the feelings of my heart and no blows, privation, or hunger will ever keep me from being happy when I hear my master’s voice or footsteps. When the curtains of death are about to close my active life, I pray Thee, Oh, God, that my master be near, their hand caressing my head as my eyelids close.
Most people don’t know it was penned by a chessie person, Mr. William Hoard of Ft. Atkinson, of Deerwood Trigger fame in the 40’s.
Have a great Saturday, hug your furry’s.