AKC Fetch Titles x 3

On February 1st the AKC started its new Fetch performance event. February 17th, Scent Work Club of Central Wisconsin hosted the first Fetch Novice test in Wisconsin. Sand Spring and Crawfish thought it would be fun to enter this event since of course we own retrievers and fetching is what they love to do. Tom Pawlisch was judging the event, so I handled his two dogs Carmelita and Dieter along with my dog Slammer to their fetch novice titles. What an amazing day it was to title three Chesapeakes in this new venue. Slammer’s judges were Tom Pawlisch and Paula Kropidlowski. Carmelita and Dieter’s judges were George Deering and Paula Kropidlowski. You need to pass two events under two different judges to title. You must start out at the novice level and work your way up to the highest level, which is retriever. This is an up-and-coming event for all breeds and participants, a fun event to do with your pal. JoAnn Stancer

Slammer – UR03 WSD USJ HR Int-CH U-GRCH Sand Spring Throw The Book At Him SH RA DM THDN FDC CGCA CGCU TKA ATT FTN SPOT-ON (UNJ U-CH Sand Spring Guilt By Association SH CGCA CGCU THDN TT SPOT-ON      x      HRCH Sand Spring Norm Of Caroway MH) received two qualifying passes to earn his Fetch Novice title (Slammer was the first Chesapeake to earn this title in Wisconsin. O/H/T/B by JoAnn and John Stancer of Sand Spring Chesapeakes.

Carmelita – USJ RACEN UJJ URO2 Int-Ch U-GRCH Crawfish Cakesniffer Look Away FITB BCAT DJ RA FDC THDX CGCA CGCU TKA VHMP ATT FTN SPOT-ON (PN RACEN CHSD SHR URX UROC UAGI USJCH CA RATN EGCH Sand Spring Outlaw BCAT RA JH FDC THDX RATN DS CGCA CGCU TKA ATT TT-CBR-110 SPOT-ON     x     GCH Cur-San’s Fire on the River MH) received two qualifying passes to earn her Fetch Novice title. She was handled by JoAnn Stancer. O/T/B by Tom and Irene Pawlisch of Crawfish Chesapeakes.

Dieter – UMJ WSD PN USJ URO3 Int-CH CRAWFISH I DO IT AGAIN FITB BCAT RA FDC THDA  DM CGCA CGCU TKA ATT FTN SPOT-ON (PN RACEN CHSD SHR URX UROC UAGI USJCH CA RATN EGCH Sand Spring Outlaw BCAT RA JH FDC THDX RATN DS CGCA CGCU TKA ATT TT-CBR-110 SPOT-ON     x    HRCH Sand Spring Norm Of Caroway MH) received two qualifying passes to earn his Fetch Novice title. He was handled by JoAnn Stancer. O/T/B by Tom and Irene Pawlisch of Crawfish Chesapeakes.

2022 Year In Review For Crawfish Chesapeakes

Proud breeder moment here so I have to share Crawfish Chesapeakes year in review for 2022. Sand Spring Chesapeakes bred Josey who started Crawfish. Dieter is a Norman son while Carmelita is a grand daughter. We love to par take in the dog world with the Crawfish’s.

Congrats on all your accomplishments.

UKC Top Ten Standings for 2021

What a awesome end to the UKC conformation year. The top ten standings have been posted. Sand Spring and Crawfish had another great year. Josey (Glory & Thunder 2015 litter) was the #1 dog with 46 points. Gertie (Guilty and Moses 2019) was the #3 dog and Slammer (Guilty and Norman 2019) was the #7 dog. Josey makes the #5 Sand Spring bred dog to hold the #1 position since 2012. Crawfish Carmelita was #9 (Josey and River 2020). What a huge accomplishments for all the dogs. Congrats to all!!

Upcoming Whelp

LITTER SOLD 7/27/21 Due to whelp 6/9/21

Sand Spring’s Stud “Riggs” was bred to “Sadie”. Pregnancy confirmed and due to whelp 6/9/21.

Contact Jeremy Quackenbush for more information regarding this upcoming litter.




OFA Clearances click HERE


SHR U-CH Sand Spring Lethal Weapon JH CGCA CGCU SPOT-ON


Male, Light Brown, 90#, Height 26 in



                                  HR CH SRR’S North Point Thunder Bay SH WDQ CGC

OFA Clearances click HERE

Click HERE to view Rigg’s accomplishments

Click HERE to view Rigg’s health clearances

Rigg’s was easily trained for hunting and hunt tests. He is a great family dog that lives with small children, he’s very quite in the house. He has a on off switch, knows to be calm in the house and great drive in the field. Excellent temperament and health clearances.

Dieter Receives His AKC Temperament Test Title

This past weekend Tom and Dieter entered 2 AKC Temperament Tests passing each event for Dieters ATT title. Dieter had perfect scores of 4 on every station in both events. This shows that he has an even temperament and that not much startles him and that if it does he has a good recovery from it.

First test
Second test

Congrats Tom and Dieter on a job well done.

Dieters new name is: RO1 Crawfish I Do It Again CGCA CGCU TKI DJ ATT SPOT-ON