Of course I had to take Christmas photos this year with the gang. Preacher being the youngest and first Christmas she needed to have her picture taken to but she had other plans.Look at these pretty candy’s, I think I shall eat them even know they are fake.I know I am wearing a hat and I refuse to sit up pretty, I will lay here and eat this peppermint candy that is fake.Hat you have got to go, I don’t like you on my head and I am too young and haven’t had enough practice at this photo shoot stuff.3 generation photo, yeah right I think I have to munch on the fake candy so you can’t get a decent picture. And look I’m not the only one causing mischief mom and gma aren’t looking at the camera so HA!I learned my mischief from mom she doesn’t like to wear hats either!
Stay tuned for the pictures that turned out.
Sad day today as the Monday Mischief Blog hop has been put to rest. I want to give a big shout out to Jenn from My Brown Newfies for keeping it going after it’s near end awhile back I always have a mischief post. Maybe if I could come up with a clever name I could get something started again, we will see. For now stay tuned for the Sand Spring Mishaps as they will continue even after the mischief has ended.
Too funny. Freighter is not a fan of hats on his head, but he is getting better about it. I bet your pictures turned out fabulous. These are good.
I’m with you for hats on the heads :o) … how about a kings crown next year? … and real doggie-candy?
Getting puppies to stay still is just about impossible.
BOL! Preacher, you’re a silly pup. I know it’s really hard to sit for pictures but the reward is worth it! Trust me 🙂 *ear licks* Noodle
It was sad how the other two bailed out without a word. It was a really fun hop but change is part of life and I’m sure something else will pop up. You guys need to learn to wear hats properly. Maybe it is my UK heritage, but I love to wear a hat.
I love their bandanas! That’s all I try to do. Luke is the only one that will put up with a hat, but the three of them will not sit still for a photo together anyway!
We didn’t join every week, but we’ll miss the mischief hop as well. Jen did well to keep it going by herself for quite a while. G-man and Preacher don’t need a hop to get into mischief anyway…you’ll just have to come up with a new title for your own weekly posts!
I had to laugh at Preacher’s face in the bottom right photo. Good grief, she is adorable. I love your Monday’s Mishaps. We always do our news on Mondays so I can’t think of a good hop idea. ☺
Hehe. So many cute pics. And always so much mischief with your crew. It’s sad to see the Monday Mischief go – I’ve been joining for a long time. But it’s understandable Jen didn’t want to do it on her own anymore.
We know Preacher you don’t want to sit there and wear a hat when you don’t even know why! Aspen wouldn’t let me put one on him his first Christmas either. Maybe he will do better this year. Have fun and get your picture done;)
Ha ha – that would be the best we could achieve!
I really enjoy pictures of the gang! Those furkids will just go along with whatever mom wants to do! Great pictures!
So funny. My dogs really don’t like hats, so they sympathize with Preacher!