For this months {This Moment} See Beautiful I want to moment to wish that all dogs have a comfy place to sleep just like Gambler always does.
Gambler is a pillow hog and always has to be laying at the head of the bed between John and I. I get his licking face and John gets his tooting rear. The way it should be right?
When Gambler isn’t being cozy in bed he is exploring and making me smile. He puts a smile on my face each and every day it’s a {This Moment} See Beautiful moment.
 {This Moment} See Beautiful is a once a month Blog Hop, every 2nd Friday of the month. simply create a blog post that made your day, week, and/or month … inspiring you in Seeing Beauty. Blog Hop inspired by See Beautiful. We thank Sugar and Miss Lydia from See Beautiful.
Easy and Gambler could be bookends… Easy prefers the same place but mostly vice versa…:O)
My hope is for all dogs to have comfy loving homes .
Having had one or two myself, I love those pillow hog fur-kids. G-Man makes us all smile. 🙂
Comfy and cozy are top on our list of important things.
I simply love Gambler. He is always full of mischief but so intelligent.
Seeing them comfy and/or just happy doing simple things like exploring always brings a smile to my face too.
He sure looks comfy.