Community Canine Certificates


Back in October Gambler and Glory completed their Community Canine test which was previously known as Canine Good Citizen Advance. They received their title certificates in the mail and now have CGCA after their registered name. I needed to take a picture for the American Chesapeake Club Bulletin so this is the picture I took. I had to change it to black and white for the bulletin so this is what it looks like now.

DSC_0263 - Copy

It’s always nice to put a little brag in the bulletin for all to see.

16 Replies to “Community Canine Certificates”

  1. Oz the Terrier

    Brag on, Sand Spring Gang! It is well deserved. Personally, you know I like the color photo better as I can see you clearly plus you have my fave safety orange in the background!

  2. Emmadog

    Since we just started dog sports two years ago, we proudly display all our ribbons and certificates. Mom’s office is like a shrine, but we are all proud of our CGC titles as well as nose work and tracking. Mom has her marathon stuff hanging up too. It makes our office cozy and happy. Good job to you guys on getting those titles. We are contemplating it, but it is hard to find a place to test.

  3. tylersat99

    Wow. Great work guys you have gone past been a good citizen and a certificate to prove. Mom took a very cute picture to send in and make it final:)