So I remembered I had these iron on transfers that you can print a picture on from your computer and then iron them onto a tshirt. I decided to get them out when my friend Kathy was in town staying. She took some great pictures of Gambler and I decided I wanted to make some shirts. Each time I go to a hunt test and text my friend Mike how Gambler and I do he responds with “way to go Team Giblet” . So I decide I want to put Team Giblet on my shirts. It took me forever to get the picture how I wanted it and then I needed to mirror the image so it wouldn’t be backwards when I ironed it on. I practiced printing it out on blank paper first and I ended up using up the rest of the ink cartriage. The picture would only print out as a mirror image when it felt like it so more ink and paper wasted. Then I printed the picture on the wrong side of the transfer so more transfers wasted. It took me alot of failed attempts but I finally got it together and got some shirts to work.
Note to self: Self when washing iron on transfer tshirts make sure you use cold water and put the shirt inside out like the directions said and you won’t have your transfer wash off! Or maybe it was because the transfer paper was over 10 years old and it lost it’s stickyness, who know? But all I know is now I’m afraid to wash the rest of the tshirts as they look so pretty. A facebook friend Jayne, who adores Gambler wanted a shirt so I made her one and I had to tell her that “I hope the iron on doesn’t come off”. So am I going to start a tshirt printing company,,,,I think not!
The shirts –
I like the way the transfers came out. Very nice! Aren’t all craft projects trial and error? Or maybe those are only my craft projects…lol.
I love these, they came out very nice! I wonder if you ironed them from the reverse side with paper to protect your iron if it would help to adhere better.
I think I might need to iron them longer, I will try that next time. I did put a piece of paper over it when I got the sticky stuff on my iron so I wouldn’t get it on my shirt. Or I could just try with newer iron on’s that arn’t 10 years old!