Dancing Raindeer

The beaniebears got mail last week. Before they got to see what they got the gang had to inspect the box. Trish one of the upcoming puppy buyers sent a box of novel objects for the puppies to get used to as they are growing up. Some of the items Trish used during her scent work with her dogs so it may just have some scent on them for the puppies to smell.

Hmm, what do we have in here?

Hmm, what do we have in here?

Ohhh I smell something good.

Ohhh I smell something good.

Back off Preacher, I have to make sure this is puppy safe.

Back off Preacher, I have to make sure this is puppy safe.

Inspector Gman to do quality control.

Inspector Gman to do quality control.

Puppies....You got mail!

Puppies….You got mail!

Look at all the novel items.

Look at all the novel items.

Sand Spring Chesapeakes is raising their litter the Puppy Culture way. Starting at three weeks you introduce novel items to them so they get used to all kinds of items.

In the above videos the puppies are 20 days old. I first put the dancing raindeer in the whelping box and most of the puppies reacted, now remember their ears started to open at 2 weeks of age. The second video was taken right after the raindeer quit playing and you can see the puppies weren’t fazed by it as they woke up to see what was going on and then quickly went back to bed. This is what you want a good response from items.

A funny story, of course Gambler and Preacher are kids at heart and well Preacher is really still a kid wanted these items but they couldn’t have them as they were given to me for the puppies and I need to keep them in good condition so I can give them back. I put the box of items in my closet and went to bed all of a sudden I was woken up to the song Timber blaring, I look and Preacher has the raindeer in the loft playing with it. I put it back in the closet (the door is open a bit and can’t be closed). Later she went in there again and brought out the little baby. I closed the top of box thinking she couldn’t get in there and would be deterred but nope, she brought out the ghost. She did this three times before I finally got smart enough to hide the box in the attic.


I’ll just sit here and will the raindeer down to me.


If only I was 6 inches taller.

When I was watching the video on my phone Preacher came running in as fast as she could so she could see the raindeer. She was disappointing that the noise was coming from the phone.

This is going to be a fun playing with the puppies and all their cool items. Thank you Trish for sending me these items. It is so much fun to be a breeder when you have puppy buyers that help you out and enjoy getting into the rearing of these puppies.


9 Replies to “Dancing Raindeer”

  1. Emmadog

    It has to be tough for Preacher to go from being a baby with her mom to being one of the dogs and her mom has other babies. We have a small version of the reindeer but he only sings. We all love it and like to steal it when we find it at Christmas time.

  2. M. K. Clinton

    That is such a great idea to get the pups used to the weird things of the world like dancing toys! BOL! I was so excited to let Pierre see our dancing snowman. I had my pho☺ne ready to record his hilarious reaction He basically did the same thing and ignored it. #NoViralVideo

  3. Jan K

    That is great, and not surprising they have gotten their first package already! I think my dogs should have met that reindeer when they were puppies because it would probably freak them out! Well, Luke and Sheba anyway, Cricket isn’t scared by much. But mostly they’d probably just be annoyed that their nap was disturbed (it’s OK for them to wake us up at 4 am, but it doesn’t work both ways…..).

  4. Jodi

    Will Trish’s puppy recognize her from the smell of the toy?

    That Preacher is pretty smart, she may give the G-Man a run for his money. 🙂