Feeding Trickery

I scored at Goodwill last week. I went there looking for puppy playground stuff and found this Outward Hound Fun Feeder Slow Feed Interactive Bloat Stop Dog Bowl. I scored because this looked like a brand new bowl and I got it for $2.00. They are anywhere’s from $12.99-19.99 online. Preacher likes to gulp her food so this is just the right bowl to help her slow down.

What is my food doing in here?

What is my food doing in here?

I can't believe I have to work at eating my food.

I can’t believe I have to work at eating my food.

Of course when my husband feeds Preacher he won’t use the new bowl, he feels it is “stupid”. I told him it was probably someone’s husband just like him that took that new bowl and thought it was “stupid” and put it in the goodwill bin. Well thank you very much to the person who put it in the goodwill bin as I don’t think it is stupid and think it is awesome!


Have a great Wednesday!

19 Replies to “Feeding Trickery”

  1. tylersat99

    That is a terrific find, I wish they had those back when Lexie was young. She always inhaled her food. She loved puzzles so that would have been perfect. I won’t give Aspen his food if he doesn’t chew so eats more slowly.

  2. Denise Gruzensky

    Nice find!! Stupid…. we don’t think so, I bet your hubby will come around eventually. I usually get a similar response at first but my hubby comes around after he sees how effective a purchase ends up being and how can you argue with $2…. 😉

  3. Beth

    That is a great deal! We have one exactly like that as well as different bowl that we rotate between the dogs. Not only does it reduce the chance for bloat, I think it helps them psychologically to realize that they ate.