In A Field Of Flowers
Life is like a beautiful flower
Each day as unique
As each petal of each.
The stem ever lengthening
In a strenuous effort to reach the nurturing rays of the sun.
The roots ever deepening
To draw life from the earth.
The swaying fields ever entrancing
To the watchful eyes of youth.
Looking out over a field of wildflowers-
Each one an individual blossom
Slowly opening, revelaing to the world
It’s true beauty
Petal by petal.
Step by step.
Each flower resembling its species
But, in truth, a rare individual.
No two are exactly alike
Some have thorns
Or rough edges
Others are spicy
Or sweet.
How hard it is to chose just one
To put a smile on your face.
One whos individuality touches your heart
And warms your soul
And stands out
In a field of flowers


Love these pictures and love the beautiful poem too 🙂 life should always be a field of flowers 🙂 hugs Fozziemum x
That’s beautiful and it says we should enjoy every flower and every day (even a stinky one) I will try to enjoy all things around me… even the stinky things :o)
Such a pretty field of wild flowers. Glory looks so pretty with her wet head amongst the flowers. And G’man is just looking around seeing what trouble he can get into. BOL.
What a beautiful post! The gang looks great among a field of flowers.
*Cairn cuddles*
Gorgeous! Mom said there was a field of wild flowers like that by her place in Bavaria, Germany. The dogs look great in there.
Beautiful photos and beautiful poem to go with them….perfect!
I was going to say the same thing as Jan K. Plus, your color brown and the golden flowers are just exquisite!
Aww and all the pups really do stand out in that gorgeous field of flowers! Beautiful, the poem and the photos!
Hugs, Carrie and pups x
That was absolutely beautiful!
Great post, and stunning photos!!
ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!
Very pretty and I liked the poem.
Wonderful poem, makes you stop and think, slow down and enjoy life. Beautiful photos of the furkids.
Beautiful pictures and poem!