FitDog Friday~First Training Day Of Season

This weekend we finally had our first training day of the season. It was still very cold out but we bundled up and braved the coldness and set up some actual hunt test marks. John was the gunner and I was the handler. He did a double from the same station, what we call a mom and pop. One bird gets thrown one way and the other bird gets thrown the other way to make it a double mark. After the marks were picked up there were two blind set up that the dogs had to get by being directed by my hand signals. Both dogs were super excited to finally be out training.

Glory was first:

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We are working on Glory being steady and doing doubles with her. Since she will be running AKC Senior hunt tests and UKC Seasoned tests this year those are the things she needs to do as well as run one blind. She was so excited on the first live flyer she broke (she went and got the bird before I could send her and before the other bird was thrown). We repeated the series and she did much better without breaking. I ran two blinds with her and she did them very well. Now we know what needs work right off the bat.

Up next was Gambler:

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Gambler did very well also for his first time out. He sat rock solid on the first mark, sat solid on the second mark then he couldn’t take it as I was taking too long to release him and he broke. I got him back right away and made him sit there and then let him go. He flew out there as fast as he could and flew back so he could go out and get the other bird. His blinds were very good also.

Last but not least Nellie’s turn:

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Nellie is run just for fun and so she can get some exercise in. She still needs to mind her manners and do things the right way but we are a little more lax with her. She still has it for a old gal. Hopefully her extra pounds will come off a little easier this spring and summer during training season.

Now onto our Resolve To Move Your Mutt blog hop that we joined at the end of last year. We are finishing up on the first quarter of the year of the resolution.

Remember this picture I submitted?


Glory’s resolution was to keep exercising and stay fit with hunt test training. Well we haven’t done much hunt test training this winter as it has been super cold and had massive amounts of snow. She kept fit by just running in the snow. I think she is fit for taking the winter off.

Gambler’s resolution was to  eat more and gain a couple of pounds and to stay fit. I did feed Gambler a bit more this winter but then he decided he didn’t want to eat some of his meals so this was challenging. She might of put on a pound but not much more than that. He is still very muscular and very fit.

Nellie’s resolution was to eat less, walk more, loose more weight and to be fit. Nellie and I have failed so far with her resolution. She did get out and exercise a little bit but the calories she burned were put back on by her disappearing acts of running off when outside to go potty and snack on anything she could find, so no weight loss this winter. We will try harder this next quarter.


Please enjoy our FitDog Friday Blog Hop brought to you by SlimDoggy and our co-hosts Peggy’s Pet Place and To Dog With Love. Join the Hop or just enjoy the links below – lots of fun fitness tips and advice!

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12 Replies to “FitDog Friday~First Training Day Of Season”

  1. Sue

    Nellie’s face with the duck… especially the eyes… sigh. Beautiful! Hope the weather cooperates and you can get out more to train.

  2. SlimDoggy (@MySlimDoggy)

    All three look so happy out there with those ducks – you can tell it’s what they are meant to do. Good job on the resolutions…just Nellie that needs a little more resolve 😉 Good luck Nellie…you will run faster minus a few pounds, believe me, I know!

  3. Emma

    No snow in your photos, amazing! We are still all white and now ice as well, but this weekend spring will arrive. You will all hit your goals now that the cold and snow are leaving!

  4. 2browndawgs

    Wonderful pictures and it sounds like the dogs did very well. I doubt hubby could keep Storm or Freighter steady for a flyer at this point in our Spring training. Too much excitement after being cooped up…lol. I hope the weather improves so we can get to more serious training.

  5. Jan K

    We did about as well with our resolutions….good with some, not so good with others. The end of the quarter snuck up on us, but it has motivated us to keep trying harder too.
    I’m sure we’ll all do much better when this long, hard winter is over. Spring is always a great motivator for me. I’m glad to see you all got out there and had a great time last weekend!