Today’s FitDog Friday Saskatchewan Day 7 & 8 will complete the SS gang hunting trip to Saskatchewan this past Sept/Oct. This will be day 6 & 7 of hunting which is Friday & Saturday.
Here are a few pictures from our hunt on Friday.
Our total for today was 39, with 4 guys & 4 dogs.
Here are some pictures from Saturdays hunt. This was our last hunt for our vacation. We hunted til noon, picked up our decoys, came back to the farm house, cleaned the birds, loaded our gear and we were on the road to home.


Saturdays hunt was with 5 guys and 5 dogs. Total count 43 birds. Total count for the week hunt was 307 birds. John and I took home 139 birds. When you transport birds over the border from Canada to the US you need to keep a wing attached to the breast meat and you need to label the bag correctly and have a accurate count of your birds. You will need to fill out a fish and wildlife form at the border and claim your birds. If  they are package or labeled wrong you could get a fine. Once home we clean the wings off the breast and take the meat to a local butcher shop and have all the meat made into sausage, brats and hotsticks. This was the best year we have had in Saskatchewan. It’s always a great trip with great friends, great dogs and lots of exercise for us and the dogs.
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Beautiful pictures. Congrats on a successful hunt!
I’m sure you had a super time. It’s a little like to be “free” for a while till everyday life has us back :o)
Sounds like a great time for all – you’ll have lots of duck and geese to eat over the winter I guess.
Looks like you all did well.
That is a lot of birds, hope you eat them or have a good use for them. So great to see dogs doing what they were meant to do!
Sounds like you guys have enough duck to hibernate for the winter.
Wow, what a successful trip! I can’t believe all the birds flying in some of those photos!
Hi Y’all!
I bet there was some great eatin’ for the humans, too!
My Human says a couple of those photos take her back to when she and Papa lived on the shores of the Chesapeake Bay. They were gettin’ ready to leave the motel with their Flatcoat. Papa was outside talkin’ to another hunter when suddenly a black cloud came over. He called Mama outside. They watched as an enormous flight of Canadian Geese blocked all the light and the parking lot became more like night than day.
Swans gather in Blackwater until the water is white. They are truly amazing to watch take flight.
Y’all come on by now,
Hawk aka BrownDog
Looks like everyone had a good time, I know the dogs did. You got a lot of birds from the two days to feed you this winter.