We are joining Jodi at Heart Like A Dog for Follow-Up Friday. Welcome to this week’s edition of Follow-Up Friday, the blog hop that lets you wrap up your week and leads you right into the weekend.
This was a busy week for Sand Spring Chesapeakes.
Last Sunday we cleaned out our wood duck houses  (will post up about that later), we did what we could for training for our upcoming hunt test this weekend on Saturday. Gambler and I will be running in Seniors, John and Glory will be running juniors. There are not very many entries so it should be a short day. Hopefully we will have some what warm weather and no rain. This will be our first hunt test for the season. I think the dogs are ready but we didn’t have much time to do water work as the ponds just became open so time will tell. It rained nearly every day so not much training was done. Sunday Glory and I will be attending a AKC conformation show. We did a little practice run on the show lead yesterday.
Thursday John was off so we took a ride to the MacKenzie Environmental Education Center to pick up our day old baby hen pheasants from the Department of Natural Resources chick hatchery which is part of the State Game Farm of Wisconsin (will post up about that later). They are all comfortable in their new pen that they will live in for the next 6 weeks or so.
Here are some pictures of the dogs from our walk to clean out the wood duck houses.
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Stopping by on the hop and enjoying your great photos. My mouth watered at the thought of pheasants… 🙂
Thanks for stopping by. Have a great weekend.
Love that picture of all of them on the bridge! That is awesome 🙂 It always amazes me how our Chessie will get in the water no matter how cold it is where the other dogs have a hard time getting in at all!
They are such tough dogs. They are so amp’t up for water they don’t care what temp it is.
Thank you for joining the blog hop and for offering to co-host next week, I really appreciate it!
It looks like despite the weather you’ve prepared as best you can for the weekend, I can’t wait to read all about it. Best of luck.
Oh and I’ll send you an e-mail letting you know what co-hosting entails. It’s super easy! have a great weekend!
I look forward to the co host
Wishing you a great weekend with wonderful results.
Thank you so much
Good luck on the tests this weekend and at the show. Love the pictures. Especially the one of the dogs on the bridge. 🙂
Thunder finally got in the water on Wednesday when my hubby attended a training day. It sure seems late for water work this year.
Yes I agree late with water work.
Great FUF! Good luck at the hunt test and the show this weekend, looking forward to reading all about it 🙂 The photos are great!