Follow-Up Friday 4/26/13

Today we have some exciting news for Follow-Up Friday….we will be co-hosting with Jodi at Heart Like A Dog. This is my first co-host with Jodi at Heart Like A Dog, she had a great blog with a great Follow-up Friday blog hop so why don’t you hop on over and see what Jodi is doing with Sampson and Delilah.
Welcome to this week’s edition of Follow-Up Friday, the blog hop that lets you wrap up your week and leads you right into the weekend.
Black and White Sunday-
I got a lot of comments from my fans saying they loved the action shots of Black and White Sunday. I love to take action shots. I especially like to get shots jumping across the creek or jumping into water. I love how the dogs launch over or in the water. They really get some flight. Gambler is a great jumper and this was the first time Glory jumped over.
 The same picture in color.
I took a break from Monday Mischief this week and finished up A Tribute To My Dad. Part 5 was blogged on the anniversary of his passing 19 years later. If you want to read all 5 parts the links are below. Thank you for listening to my story. It was a long over due story that I needed to tell.
A Tribute To My Dad-
Cleaning The Wood Duck Houses-
Jodi at Heart Like A Dog asked: “So do you use these ducks in your training, or are they just wild ducks on the land? Do the dogs love the ducks, or do they stay away?”
These ducks we don’t use in training as they are wild wood ducks so we clean the houses out each year in hopes that they will use them to build their nests and hatch out their chicks. The dogs (all 4 of them) LOVE any ducks, if they see them they will chase them.
Misty Shores Chesapeakes asked: “Did Norman get the old egg?”
Yes Norman got his egg. It was floating down the creek and he stuck his head under water grabbed it and swallowed it as fast as he could. He loves eggs. When I go in my hen house he waits for me to come out to give him a egg. He takes it and carries it to the garden where he buries it and then goes back for it later.
Wordless Wedneday ~Pillow-
Gambler is my only dog that needs to lay on someone or somedog. All the other dogs can lay by themselves but not Gambler, he is always laying next to one of them and laying his head on them. He likes to snuggle. When I go to bed at night he sleeps up by my head in a ball and rests his head on my neck. Glory and Nellie don’t mind Gambler laying on them but it’s a no no to lay on daddy Norman!
This ‘N That Thursday-
Thanks to everyone and their encouraging words to me and Gambler about our hunt test. I will keep everything in mind as we have another test this Sunday.
2 browndawgs asked: “Did you get the Gambler in the water on the second try?”
Yes I did get him in the water for a little bit of the blind on the second try, once he was near the end there was the winger station from the flyer station out there (where the guys were hiding to plant the blind) and that pulled him in so he went over there to check it out so I called him back in.
Hawk aka BrownDog said: “I know we are supposed to love cold water…but if there is a better way “around” to get the job done…we’re not stubborn…we just “use our heads” to get the job done.”‘
Hawk, you are so right, you chessie’s use your heads way more than us humans would like, but that is why we own chessie’s because they can think outside the box. It takes a special person to own a chessie and to be able to do anything with it.
That’s it for my Follow-Up Friday co-hosting with Jodi from Heart Like A Dog. Thanks again for the day.

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15 Replies to “Follow-Up Friday 4/26/13”

  1. Jodi

    Thank you so much for co-hosting with me today JoAnn, you did a fabulous job with your follow-up! I love how you included the color shot against your black and white one, it was a great shot. Now that I’m looking at it again I notice Nellie and Norman in the bottom left of the picture wading through the creek. What an incredible photo of younger (jumping) vs older (wading). If one ever needed a photo to show age vs youth you’d have the perfect one.

    Thanks for answering my questions about the ducks, I think it’s nice that you clean out their house and prepare a place for them to nest.

    So, Norman eats the egg shell and all? I give my guys eggs but I usually crack them. 🙂

    Thanks again for co-hosting the FUF hop, have a great weekend!!

    1. Sand Spring Chesapeakes

      You are so welcome, I had a great time doing it. Will do it again. I stole adding the color shot with the black and white one from you since I liked it so much when you did it. The pictures look so different in different forms. I didn’t see both the dogs in the corner, I thought there was only one. I so need glasses. All the dogs will eat the shells then sometimes they just crack them and suck the goodness out. I never had a problem with them eating the shells. Have a great weekend.

  2. 2browndawgs

    Silly Silly Gambler. Don’t you know the fastest way to the bird is to follow your handler’s direction! I know. Easier said than done. I have heard that Freighter is trying to assert his independence while handling at the moment too. 🙂

    Storm’s first Senior test. The trainer was running her. She slammed the entire test. Just had to do the water blind and honor. She would not take the line into the water, (it was a slight angle but not bad). Just wouldn’t do it. She was the last dog running so the judges dismissed the bye dog and let the trainer finish the blind. It became a test of wills. About 20 handles later, she finally got into the water and went pretty as you please to the blind. Stinker!

    Good luck on the tests this weekend. Your tests are so early in the season but I bet you will do great! Can’t wait to hear about them!

  3. Donna

    I love the jumping dog photos….very cute! Good luck with the tests over the weekend. Hope you get some awesome weather for it!

  4. Misty Shores Chesapeakes

    Great FUF!

    I loved reading your posts about your dad and you did a beautiful job writing them. Both the photos are great but I think I like it in black white best 😉 Okay that cracks me up about Norman and his egg, especially burying it for later 🙂

  5. Oz the Terrier

    Gosh, I’ve been missing a lot around here lately it seems! I’ve now added you onto My Friends page on my blog so I remember to visit every day.
    Have a great weekend.