Follow-Up Friday Co Host/FitDog

We are joining Jodi at Heart Like A Dog for Follow-Up Friday.
Welcome to this week’s edition of Follow-Up Friday, the blog hop that lets you wrap up your week and leads you right into the weekend.


I am happy to co-hostess this weeks edition of FUF with Jodi at Heart Like A Dog.

Nothing But Norman #15

I'm giving you the Sampson yoda ear since my friend did it the other day.

I’m giving you the Sampson yoda ear since my friend did it the other day.

cape cod brown dogs says:

Nice to hear he is staying the course.. Cherish every moment.

Glad to hear he had a good week! Keep cherishing those moments!

We are cherishing every moment. This past week Norman got to get a pheasant, had a photo shoot and got another beef bone for Halloween.  Here is a sneek peek of our photo shoot.


Stop back for tomorrows edition of Nothing But Norman to see some more photos of our shoot.

Black And White Sunday






Hawk aka BrownDog says:

Hi Y’all!

How’d you do that? Get color in the birds? I assume it was an editing program.

Hawk, I do mine with a photo editing program called Corel Paint Shop. I think it is the coolest effect. If your mom would like she can do this with a free program on the internet called PicMonkey. I haven’t used this but other bloggers have. Sugar has a nice tutorial on it here. 

Monday Mischief

Hey why does she get to go and not me?

Hey why does she get to go and not me?

Oz the Terrier says:

The back of the couch is my FAVORITE spot for overseeing my kingdom so I think it is perfectly acceptable for Gambler to be up there. Happy Monday!

I swear Gambler spends more time up on top the couch than he does on the couch.

Tuesday’s Tails~Lilly



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Wordless Wednesday~Stink Eye

Why can't you hit $hit mom?

Why can’t you hit $hit mom?

I took this photo with my phone while out duck hunting and I didn’t realize how pissy he looked until I saw it on the computer. I couldn’t hit $hit this day. I got one duck, John got 3.

This ‘N That Thursday~Howl-o-ween


Hugh thanks to 2browndawgs and Ruckus The Eskie the host of The Halloween Edition TNT. I had a lot of fun with this post.

Here are some bloopers of MK. Man she was pissed off, she did not want to wear this costume at all. 

I stick my tongue out at you woman!

I stick my tongue out at you woman!

This costume is dumb!

This costume is dumb!

Get this giddy up off of me!

Get this giddy up off of me!

That concludes this weeks edition of FUF, stop by Heart Like A Dog and say Hi!

Now for FitDog Friday


The Sand Spring gang as been working on getting fit this fall by hunting when ever we can. I needed to take Glory to work with me (Harmony Pet Care) this week so I weighed her. She is down 2# and her muscles are getting bigger. On my days off which were Wed and Thurs I took Gambler, Glory and Nellie pheasant hunting. We hunted for 1.5-2 hrs each day. They do a lot of walking and running with some swimming. I take all three dogs at once so they all get the same amount of exercise. Gambler was the man as he got a pheasant each day.


We got a surprise in the mail when we got home from work Tuesday night. We got our Move The Mutt bracelet from PetsMove & DogTread.

Since Nellie is the one that is overweight and needs the motivation to keep moving she modeled the bracelet for you all to see how cool it is.

Mom said I needed this on my mouth so I wouldn't eat so much.

Mom said I needed this on my mouth so I wouldn’t eat so much.

I think it looks better on my arm.

I think it looks better on my arm.

Moving with Nellie and Glory.

Moving with Nellie and Glory.

Moving with Gman and Nellie.

Moving with Gman and Nellie.

Don’t forget if you have a senior dog to enter your dog into the Senior members of PetsMove slide show. Nellie and Norman are entered and can’t wait to see the others.

Please enjoy our FitDog Friday Blog Hop brought to you by SlimDoggy and our co-hosts Peggy’s Pet Place and To Dog With Love. Join the Hop or just enjoy the links below – lots of fun fitness tips and advice!

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16 Replies to “Follow-Up Friday Co Host/FitDog”

  1. SlimDoggy (@MySlimDoggy)

    Thanks for the follow-up, always good to review the week in case we missed a day. I love that picture of Nellie and the bracelet. She’s still doing good on the Leaderboard, but Jack has set his sights on her!

  2. Jodi

    You have awesome photos, it amazes me the things that your dogs will do. And I was a tiny bit pleased that MK gave you some grief. 🙂

    Great follow-up and thank you for co-hosting the hop. I hope you have a wonderful weekend!

  3. Hawk aka BrownDog

    Hi Y’all!

    Oh thanks so much for givin’ my Human the link. Now if I can just get her to do some editing maybe I’ll look better in my photos! BOL!!!

    Y’all come by now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog
    (Only 7, not quite a senior)

  4. Jan K

    Great follow up….I love all the photos. I don’t know which is funnier…the outtakes of MK, or Nellie with the inspiration band on her nose!

  5. 2browndawgs

    Sounds like you are having a great hunting season and getting some good exercise! Good jib Gambler getting a bird each day. Birds or not, I bet the dogs are having a good time! MK is just so cute.