Frosty Morning


This picture was taken over a week ago when we had a cold spell. It was 5 degree’s when I took the dogs for a walk one morning. They went in the creek and got wet so Preacher was looking like a ice cube. The cold and ice didn’t bother her one bit she kept on moving and playing. I thought this picture turned out pretty cool with the effects it got when I turned it into a black and white photo.

black and white

We are joining Dachshund Nola & Sugar The Golden Retriever for the Black and White Sunday Blog Hop.

11 Replies to “Frosty Morning”

  1. Jan K

    Brrrrrrrr!! We are back into the 40’s this weekend, thank goodness, that subzero and single digits is not for me – but yeah, the dogs don’t seem to mind it all that much!

  2. Taryn

    It does look great in BandW….very artsy! My dogs will go in the water when it’s too cold also. It’s hard cleaning muddy icicles off the belly of a corgi!

  3. Dolly the Doxie

    That sounds so scary him getting wet in that cold! He has a coat for it though, and you did get a really cool picture! Love Dolly