Gambler Rally Obedience 2 – Second Pass

On December 14, 2018 Gambler and I competed in our second Rally Obedience 2 event. It was hosted by Dodge County Canine Club and held at Western Waukesha County Dog Training Club in Ixonia. We have been doing a bit of training but not hard core training so I didn’t know what was in store for us since Gambler was coming to the event while the girls at home were in heat the past 2 weeks, that can really mess with a dogs mind. 

Our Rally Run

If you watched the video you saw that Gambler was indeed a very good boy. I was so surprised at how well he did and he didn’t even try to hump my leg during the run like he has in the past. Once we crossed the finished line and I told Gambler good boy and patted his chest he jumped right up on my leg and didn’t let me down!

This is the rally course we did.

We were team 103 so our score was 98 out of 100 points.
Gambler and his ribbons.

Gambler and I competed against 3 other teams. We got 98/100 points which gave us first place and a qualifying run.

Gambler and I

We had a great night! Of course we didn’t do it perfect so there is always something to work on which is fine with us. We enjoy going to training class and hanging out with our friends so we will be going back to class after the holidays. Until then we will practice on our own as we are signed up for two upcoming AKC rally novice events at the end of the month and the first weekend in January. We haven’t run any AKC rally courses so we have to start at the bottom level which is novice. Stay tuned to hear how that goes. 

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