Gambler Supporting Movember


On a side note: It’s my 29th Birthday again!


Thanks Easy and everyone on FB who has left me some really great cards and messages! It’s raining here now so a day in the house with the furry ones.


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12 Replies to “Gambler Supporting Movember”

  1. M. K. Clinton

    Happy birthday!! ♥ ♥ Spending the day indoors with your gang sounds great, as long as the cake and presents are inside too! Have a wonderful day!! Gambler looks so manly with a beard. ☺

  2. easyweimaraner

    Happy Happy 29th birthday to your momma! and we sure will check our junk, that’s impawtant :o) btw: you could be the canine version of zz-top with that beards :o)