Gamnato Aftermath

If you have been following along you know that the other week we had Gamblers girlfriend living with us for a whole week. She went home Sunday February 21st. I went back to work on Monday and Tuesday. On my way home John called me that Gambler busted out of his kennel and a Gamnato went through the laundry room. He said “wait until you see this, I have never seen anything like this”, “there is $hit everywhere’s”. I’m like great $hit literary, I don’t need that on top of taking care of puppies.

When I got home this is what I seen:


Yup didn’t need any of that stuff in Preachers show bag.


Tipped the treats over to make a mess but didn’t eat any.


Guess he thought he was cold and needed to wear my clothes.


Guessing he wanted to clean up his mess.


Thought he should go training.


Might as well bring out his binkie.

Here is the video walk thru of the destruction:

I am so glad it was just a big ole mess I had to clean up and not really $hit! I could handle this. The next day it was off to the store for reinforcement so Gamnato doesn’t happen again.

Any of your dogs as destructive as Gambler?

11 Replies to “Gamnato Aftermath”

  1. easyweimaraner

    Gambler buddy, I’ve heard about guys who smoked a cigarette after meeting a girl, but I never heard about guys who wore the clothes of their momma after that…. but I will write it in my bad idea catalog and I will try it when I meet a girl in the furs :o)

  2. M. K. Clinton

    That is what we call a “hissy fit!” BOL! It reminded me of our Beagle we had when I was a little girl. We bred him by taking him to see his girlfriend each day for about a week. When his time was over, he would still go sit by the front door hoping to have one more rendez vous. I felt so sorry for him.

  3. Jan K

    I’m guessing he wanted his girlfriend to move in permanently? LOL. He is like a one dog wrecking crew! All of our dogs have outgrown that kind of destruction…they just take it out on toys these days. Thank goodness. 🙂

  4. Laurie G

    He’s ticked you took away the girlfriend lol! Our chessies used to tear stuff to. The worst was one of my fleece coats I left hanging on back of chair. It was shredded when I got home from work.

  5. tylersat99

    We have never had that much destruction, even in the first couple years. The first couple they got upset and did I or 2 small things to get back but nothing big enough to lose fun or walk time. They wanted me to know they were upset but not really enough to get in trouble 😉