Give Cancer The Paw~ AKC Canine Health Foundation

I received this email from the AKC Canine Health Foundation yesterday so I thought it would only be appropriate to share it with you all on Give Cancer The Paw day.

Taken from the AKC Canine Health Foundation email & website.

May is Pet Cancer Awareness Month

Join us in our fight against canine cancer by sharing photos, taking
our survey and supporting research…

Submit a photo of your canine cancer superhero

Throughout the month of May the AKC Canine Health Foundation (CHF) will provide news and information to help educate dog owners about the cutting-edge
research and improved treatment options in the field of canine cancer.

Since 1995 CHF has awarded 188 oncology grants and funded nearly $10.7 million in canine cancer research. Scientists are studying lymphoma, hemangiosarcoma, osteosarcoma and other common canine cancers, providing veterinarians with better tools to diagnose cancer earlier and to treat it more effectively. Many of the CHF-funded research studies have One Health implications, impacting the study and treatment of cancer in humans.

Visit to learn more and access canine cancer

As part of the Pet Cancer Awareness Month (PCAM) campaign, CHF is collecting photos from the public of their canine cancer fighting superheroes. Photos depicting a dog’s brave fight against cancer can be submitted to CHF will feature photos of canine cancer superheroes on social media throughout May. Submissions should include the dog owner’s name, the dog’s name, and optionally the type of cancer.

Dog owners are also encouraged to take a brief 5-minute survey at to share their thoughts on cancer treatment for dogs. Data collected from this survey will be used to help CHF, researchers, and veterinary specialists better understand what factors are involved in the decision to treat a family pet for cancer.

Ongoing Oncology Research Updates:

*  Enhancing Natural Anti-Tumor Immune Responses During Chemotherapy:

*  Ensuring That Stem Cell Treatments Do Not Activate or Exacerbate Cancer in Dogs:

*  Defining the Anti-Tumor Activity of Monocytes in Osteosarcoma:

*  Harnessing a Dog’s Own Immune System to Kill Lymphoma Tumor Cells:

*  Further Investigation of the Genes Controlling Canine Leukemia to Diagnose and Control the Disease:



Give Cancer The Paw hosts: Jackie from Pooch Smooches and Peggy from Peggy’s Pet Place!

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14 Replies to “Give Cancer The Paw~ AKC Canine Health Foundation”

  1. easyweimaraner

    I planned to write a post too, but I’m not able to write, it still hurts too much. Many thanks for sharing the links about research updates, I always read the news about cancer, it’s better to be prepared for the worst case than to be clueless. Have a good tuesday :o)

  2. peggyspetplace

    Thank you for this link, and for the links to find some helpful information. I’ve lost two dogs to cancer and if there is anything I can do to help keep my dogs healthy, I want to know. I’m working hard to find the best food, of course that is a controversial subject. Maybe in time, there will be more ways to help all those we love, canine and human, with cancer.

  3. Pooch Smooches

    Thanks for joining the hop and sharing this info. I’ve been so out of touch dealing with our family’s cancer fight here that I didn’t realize it’s canine cancer awareness month! Great links. Definitely want to send in a pic of our hero and do the survey!

  4. Earl Lover

    Very beneficial and informative post there. Cancer is utterly awful. More than words can say. 101% and more, it is.

    That superhero dog definitely attempts to lighten the spirits there though!

    Lots of Woofs from Earl and I at Earl’s World!

  5. Buddy

    Thank you for this post. We lost our beloved Abby in August 2012 to Mast Cell Carcinoma. From diagnosis to her Bridge crossing was a very short 2 months. I know a lot of research is going on in our veterinary college up here, and some of the research will also, hopefully, help humans in their battle with cancer. We will check out the links and thanks so much for posting them.

  6. Jan K

    It’s so great to know there are so many wonderful organizations out there working on ending cancer, and providing resources for those that need it….I hope I never need it again, and wish that no one did. But many will, so thanks for sharing all the great information.

  7. 2browndawgs

    People get down on the AKC, but they really do a lot to promote and fund canine health. I hate to think where dog health would be without them.

  8. Jodi

    It’s such a dreadful and insidious disease. i think a lot of times people don’t know there are places out there that can help you. Thanks for sharing JoAnn.