This past Saturday Glory was entered in a UKC HRC hunt test. She was running in the finished class. When we pulled into Bong State Park this is what the weather looked like…
The rain managed to come to a halt when Glory was due to run the test.
Glory and John got to the line, sat down on the bucket, John loaded the gun ready to go and then….nothing the winger that was suppose to throw out the bird to start the test wouldn’t go off so John had to leash Glory up, walk off the line and wait for another dog to run in front of him.
Take two, John and Glory started the test. It was a triple meaning 3 ducks were launched and John had to shoot at them using blank shells (the ducks were already dead). Once all three birds were down John released Glory to pick them up and bring them back to him.
Normally the dog will pick up the ducks in the order of last bird down to the first bird down being picked up last. Glory decided she wanted to do it backwards and picked up the birds in the opposite order. By the time she was suppose to pick up the third duck she had forgotten where it was and looked a little confused in the water. John then handled (gave hand signals) to where the duck went down and she found it then brought it back.
When Glory was coming in with her third duck the judge released another duck right in front of Glory. She needed to keep coming in with the duck she had in her mouth, deliver it to John and then he would send her off for the “diversion duck” which she did with no problems.
After the delivery John then needed to line her up and get her ready to run the blind (a duck planted in the field that Glory has no idea where it is).
By this time Glory was tired and had enough of the test, she wanted to be done. John was giving her hand signals to get her out to the blind and she was giving him the middle paw while taking the wrong casts. A dog can take a wrong cast but it can not take many or it gets you a fail. The blind was set up next to where the third duck went down so since John handled Glory to that mark he was having a hard time keeping her from going that way and sticking to a straight line where John was pointing her in. Once she got near the edge of the water she all of a sudden stopped and released a Baby Ruth into the pond! She was lighter after that and went running to the blind, picked it up and came back with it all proud!
After the test the judges came over and talked to John and nicely told him that they failed the test because Glory had to many cast refusals on the blind. John thanked them and went on his way without picking up after his dog. We said that was what Glory thought of their test, I poop on your test! When a girl has to go a girl has to go, doesn’t matter if it is in the middle of a pond, when duty calls you drop a load right there no questions asked. What it is to be a dog!
I leave you with the clip from Caddy Shack Doodie in pool.
Some of you may have seen how the rest of the weekend went for the Sand Spring gang if you follow us on Facebook, if not then come back tomorrow to see how the girls (Glory and Preacher) did.
well not only your john loaded the gun as the test started :o) a good statement Glory… let’s hope that Mr. Hankey has a long and happy life in that pond :o)
I was smiling all through the read.
Every pup I have been owned by thinks it is the best to do their business in the ocean.
Maybe they like the bidet!
That’s just classic!
Even after leaving a Baby Ruth, I am still darn impressed. ☺
Not very lady like, Glory. If we poop or pee in a search area in nose work or barn hunt, we get an immediate DQ. Better luck next time.
I’m glad the rain stopped for you. That was a long test if you have to go. Newfs on our walks never go in the water or on the path where it would be stepped in by their choice. However Aspen when we started classes (which were indoors) he would stop for a second lift his leg and go. I of course had to get the spray and paper towels to clean it up. I was giving a yank and NO at that second which he chose to ignore. He and I had to have some Serious talks which were close to be killed (figure of speech). He just finished his advanced obedience which was an hour for the two dogs and not one puddle. On the way out he lifted his leg on the outside door frame like, so there!!
Oh boy Glory. Your people need let you do your business before the test….lol. Sorry about the fail.
Sounds like a tough day out there! When you gotta go, you gotta go though! 🙂