Glory’s First Lone Oak Shooting Preserve Gig

A few weeks back my friend and owner of one of my Sand Spring puppies asked if he could once again borrow one of our dogs to pick up pheasants on a guided hunt he was doing with his clients at Lone Oak Shooting Preserve, in Montello, WI. This fall Justin had already used Gambler you can read about that hunt here.  So when asked who he wanted for this hunt he said he would try Glory. He never hunted with Glory alone, he has hunted with her but John and I was always along so I wasn’t sure what the outcome would be.

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Justin didn’t have one bit of a problem with Glory. She hunted well for him, she stuck by close and didn’t chase after the birds that the guys missed. She was easily called off of the birds and went back to finding more birds for them to shoot. She retrieved all the birds that they shot and she even caught two birds herself.


The guys were happy with Glory and Glory was happy to be out doing what she loves to do….hunt! I can’t thank Justin from All Seasons Adventures In Wisconsin enough for taking Glory hunting.

7 Replies to “Glory’s First Lone Oak Shooting Preserve Gig”

  1. Taryn

    What a great day for Glory! I had a friend run Jimmy in agility back when my knee was banged up. He barely looked for me, he just took off running! He loves agility enough it’s not just about playing with mom. LOL!