Last month Gman had a Birthday, he turned 6 years old on the 13th of May. He was a Friday the 13th puppy which explains a lot why he is the way he is. His pal Phenny from across the pond send him a Birthday Prezzie and I finally found this half done post in my box so I thought it was time to finish it up and share the goodies Gman got.
Gman and Phenny’s older brother Easy who is now passed 🙁 would always see who could open their prezzie’s the fastest. Gman didn’t let Easy down with this prezzie and he is teaching his new pal Phenny how it is done. If you don’t know Phenny you can hop on over to his blog and follow along with his antics which are some pretty good ones for an 9 month old weim puppy. Gman thanks Phenny and his staff very very much for always remembering his Birthday and for sending such cool stuff!
Have a great day!
so glad you like it… have you seen the first seconds of the second video? how he wagged with his tail through the bars?… I would sell my soul to see the back side of the gman that moment…
Good eye, I will have to watch again. All I know is he was happy as hell! Thank you!!
How nice, but where are the French Fries? 🙂
Phenny and his peeps always do great presents. Lucky GMan!
Hey mom, stop stealing MY saugages! What a cool pressie from your fur-iend, Phenny. And no doubt Easy was wearing the widest Weim grim at your package opening skills.
Ugh, make that “GRIN” not grim. Ugh. Guess I need another cup of coffee before I start reading posts. 😉
That was so sweet of Phenny’s parents, they are super thoughtful
Da Phenny is such a sweetheart! Y’all are both mischievous! LOL
GMan seems pretty darn excited about his prezzies! He is setting such a good example for Phenny….LOL.
How very nice! Lucky Gman.