Guilty Get’s A Buffalo Head

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Guilty’s been getting out and hunting this fall but hasn’t been able to get much with the other dogs around so one raining day John took Guilty by herself out hunting. They came upon a Buffalo Head duck, John shot it and just like that Guilty jumped in the water and swam across the pond to retrieve the duck. She did a excellent job and we are so proud of her. This past fall we have had a issue with her wanting to go into the water and trying to avoid it at all cost so this was a happy day that she figured it out that it’s much more fun to just jump in and swim to get the bird instead of over working her brain on how to get it without getting wet.


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10 Replies to “Guilty Get’s A Buffalo Head”

  1. Taryn

    I guess a Chesapeake who doesn’t want to get wet could put a crimp in those huntings tests 🙂 Glad she figured it out!

  2. Robin

    Great job, Guilty! That was quite the retrieval. I’m glad that she has overcome her issue with getting wet. Maybe one day that will be something she really enjoys. 🙂