On August 17th, 2019 Guilty ran her last AKC Senior hunt test. It was her last one because she passed her test to receive her Senor Hunter Title. Here are pictures from the event.
The land series was first thing in the morning. It was a land double with one life flyer and a dead duck. If you retrieved both birds you were able to run the blind.
For the land series after you run your series you need to honor. A honor is when your dog sits and watches the birds go down for the next dog and watches the running dog leave to retrieve the first duck. Once the running dog leaves the judge excuses the honor dog and you can leave.
She passed her land series so she got called back to run water. On water she needed to do a walk up and retrieve 2 dead ducks and a water blind in which she did. She had one handle on the water blind.
This was one very happy moment when they said her name during the ribbon ceremony. Now it’s time for hunting and then hopefully onto Masters next summer.
Nice work! I’m sure she will do well in Masters too.
Congratulations. Well done! 🥇
Great job, Guilty! Congratulations! Enjoy hunting season!
Guilty!!!! what a fabulous hunting partner you are!!! congrats!!!
That is awesome!! She is “Guilty” of being amazing.