Heartworm Disease In The Canine

Heartworm Disease In The Canine


Time for my annual heartworm test.

The American Heartworm Society recommends annual heartworm  antigen and microfilaria testing, they recommend year round administration of chemoprophylactic drugs to prevent heartworm disease and control other zoonotic parasites like roundworms, hookworms, whipworms and tapeworms in some preventatives.

Heartworms are nasty!

Heartworm infection in dogs has been diagnosed around the globe, including all 50 of the United States. In the United States, its territories, and protectorates, heartworm is considered at least regionally endemic in each of the contiguous 48 states, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, U.S. Virgin Islands, and Guam (Bowman et al, 2009; Kozek et al, 1995; Ludlam et al, 1970). Heartworm transmission has not been documented in Alaska; however, there are regions in central Alaska that have mosquito vectors and climate conditions to support the transmission of heartworms for brief periods (Darsie and Ward, 2005; Slocombe et al, 1995; Terrell, 1998). ~American Heartworm Society

Glory was a trooper for her blood draw.

A blood sample is needed for the annual heartworm test. Some clinics will run the test in their clinics while other clinics will send out the blood to a laboratory for testing and get the results back the following day. Hopefully all tests will come back negative and then you can give the monthly heartworm medication of your vet clinic’s choice and prevent heartworm disease.

Sentinel Spectrum

There are many types of heartworm medication that may or may not control other intestinal parasites as well as prevent heartworm disease. All I will say on the topic of heartworm medication spend the money and get your pet’s medication from your Veterinary Clinic. When you get your medication from the clinic you have a relationship with them and you know you are getting the correct medication from the actual manufacturer of the medication. If you get your medication from an online pharmacy you aren’t guaranteed that this is  the correct medication. If your pet has an reaction or worse comes down with heartworm disease the manufacturer of the medication will not help out at all as in paying for any treatment if bought online. If bought at the vet clinic the manufacture will reimburse for adverse reactions and for heartworm treatment. Some online medications have been found out to be fraudulent. Buying from the vet clinic puts your mind at ease if something happens you will get some help with it. For this piece of mind I will always by my medication at the vets.

Double Defense.

Vectra 3D is used in conjunction with heartworm monthly medication to add a double defense heartworm protocol. I use Vectra 3D on my dogs. It works super on mosquitoes.

Go out and get your pooch tested and put on monthly heartworm preventative medication.

7 Replies to “Heartworm Disease In The Canine”

  1. cape cod brown dogs

    Buy from
    Your vet.
    Maybe it is a few dollars more or you have to pay the tax.
    Worth it
    You and your dog have a relationship
    The hospital has your dog’s history
    You know you are getting what you should be getting.

  2. Jan K

    That is great advice – we always buy our meds from our vet! We are lucky they are close to us so they are convenient to stop at for refills anyway.