A huge Thank You to our Pal Easy for sending the beaniebears a package straight from across the pond. It looked like the mailman was hungry and wanted to eat the package before I got it. I would of thought it was Gambler that tried to open it but John is to clever for that and he put the package up high until I got home to see it. There was a lovely card made by our pal Bev from Opshots Photography that said the package was for Glory for having the beaniebears.
Gambler tried to wreck MK’s toy, Preacher took the Alligator toy and claimed it as hers. It is now outside somewhere’s.Â
MK loved her little bird toy! Many thanks Easy!
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I guessed it…. it was probably the gator inside who wanted to buzz off as the post plane was over florida :o) I’m glad MK likes her toy (is it a berd or a mouse? I can’t remember lol) and Glory’s pups have some fun too :o)
Easy is such a cool dude! That was a very nice gift package. ♥ That puppy yawn to too adorable for words.
OMD…waaay too adorable! I can practically smell the puppy breath. ღ
I love that puppy yawn! It was really nice of Easy to send you all of those great toys. It must be tough being MK when all of your toys keep disappearing. She seems to enjoy her bird toy! 🙂
What a precious puppy yawn face!
I always say, dogs can NEVER get too many packages.
That Easy is such a thoughtful guy! It looks like they all got some fun stuff, and how sweet to remember M.K. as well (she might otherwise feel neglected with all the puppy attention!). Thank goodness it made it to you in -more or less- one piece!
That was so nice of Easy! That first pic is too cute!
So nice of Easy to send prezzies to the babies, he’s a good guy!!
Receiving little surprises in the mail is the greatest! Puppy looks too cute for words…
LOL Preacher is a toy hog.
She is and she loves being a toy hog.