Meet The Bloggers~I’m JoAnn


I am joining up with the hosts of Meet the Bloggers AJ from I Still Want More Puppies and Amy from Go Pet Friendly along with their co-hosts Jodi from Kol’s Notes, Leslie from Bringing up Bella, Jenny Jugs from My Brown Newfies, Dawn from NEPA Pets, Mel from No Dog About It, Julie from The Daily Dog Blog, Lauren from Life With Desmond, Kim from Cindy Lu’s Muse, Kristine from Rescued Insanity, Peggy from Peggy’s Pet Place and Jodi from Heart Like A Dog.

Thank you for this blogging event. I do post up pictures of me along with my Chesapeakes and MK so my regular readers already know what I look like. So I am posting up pictures of me for the new bloggers coming to visit my blog, plus none of you know the answers to the questions we have been asked so  you will learn something new about me.

So here goes…….

I am the current owner of 3 Chesapeake Bay Retrievers and 1 Marsh Kitty. I have been blogging about their adventures since 11/17/11. I am married and have been for almost 18 years. I am so glad he is into the animals as much as I am or I wouldn’t be able to support my habit. I try to train along with my husband when he is home our dogs for hunting and UKC, AKC hunt test competitions. I just started showing my young chessies in UKC, AKC conformation shows. Recently I got Gamblers UKC Grand Champion title. Glory is currently showing in AKC conformation. I have done lure coursing and dock jumping with them also. Anything dog related I am there. I recently lost my heart/foundation dog of Sand Spring Norman but in his illness I gained a cat! At one time I owned 6 cats but haven’t had any for a few years until now when little 1.3# Marsh Kitty entered our lives.

Here is a current photo of me and my gang taken the end of October (minus the cat).


Norman (the old guy I am hanging on to) is now passed and I don’t have any current pictures of me with the remaining three. (you think I would of prepared better and had one taken for this post)!

Now onto the questions:

What’s your favorite non-animal related book? Janet Evanovich Number Series
What’s your favorite non-animal related movie? My Sisters Keeper
What’s your favorite non-animal related food? Veggie Pizza
Who’s your favorite actor? Mark Harmon
What’s one thing you have to do every day? Feed the animals, dogs, chickens, pheasants
What makes you feel fabulous? My dogs winning at competitions
What do you wish you were more skilled at? Conformation handling
What’s your favorite holiday? Halloween 
Favorite meal? Pizza
What do you like to do in your free time? Anything on the computer, blogging, facebooking, editing pictures
What one word would people who know you use to describe you? Crazy
If your pets could talk, what one word would THEY use to describe you? Wackadoodle
What is one thing you’ve done that you’re most proud of? Having Norman live 13 years.
How is your pet most like you? Fun loving and not afraid to do crazy things.
What can your body do for you that makes you most proud? Get up each morning and be able to walk
If you could change one thing about your life what would it be? Have my mom and dad live longer
Other than blogging, what are three things you do that bring you joy? Take pictures, hunting with my dogs, hanging with my friends
What’s one thing you could do to be more kind to yourself? Indulge in manicure.
What drives you nuts about your pets? When I am trying to get something done and they are being needy and nudging me
What melts your heart? The soft look on my dogs face
If you didn’t have your current pets, what pets would you choose to have? Rottweilers 
Now you ask who am I really????? 
Let the pictures tell you!
I am a avid hunter, here I am with Norman and our first hen pintail.

I am a avid hunter, here I am with Norman and our first banded mallard.

Our house is filled with stuff we have harvested over the years.

Our house is filled with stuff we have harvested over the years.

I kiss ducks.

I kiss ducks.

I can shoot with the best of them.

I can shoot with the best of them.

I just love my puppies.

I just love my puppies.

If I could be a hoarder I would.

If I could be a hoarder I would.

I used to ride my horse up a foot wide trail in the Colorado mts to shoot elk.

I used to ride my horse up a foot wide trail in the Colorado mts to shoot elk.

One of my best adventures was Alligator hunting and yes I kiss gators too.

One of my best adventures was Alligator hunting and yes I kiss gators too.

So there you have it a couple crazy things about me!




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55 Replies to “Meet The Bloggers~I’m JoAnn”

  1. easyweimaraner

    Great post!!! We like Mark Harmon too, my dad is also a Mark but a different one :o) And Halloween is the best time of the year! I’m angry because my mom forgot to enter the hop, shame on her :o)

  2. Nailah Bone

    Wow, that bird in the 2nd picture is HUGE! What is it? I love reading about dogs owners that do field tests or other competitions with this, it’s so amazing to see dogs do what they were breed to do!

  3. rmudge

    It is great to get to know you more! Your dogs are gorgeous! No wonder they win so many awards. I totally agree with you; I would own tons of pets if I could.

  4. Pooch Smooches

    I’ve know some duck kissers, but never a gator kisser. 🙂 What a lovely smile you have!

    Okay… I have questions. Is “Marsh kitty” her name because you found her in a marsh?? Also… feed the animals including pheasants… You guys have pheasants?

  5. kirbysdawgblog

    You definetly do love your doggies, I think I have found a kindred spirit! I wish to one day have as many animals as you and luckily my OH would approve! 🙂

  6. Hawk aka BrownDog

    Hi Y’all!

    Where’d you hunt your gators? You’re welcome to visit and hunt them here anytime! Actually, you can get a permit, our next door neighbor did when a big one was hanging out on her beach. However, usually DNR will come out and kill a big one if someone complains.

    Y’all come by now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

    1. Sand Spring Chesapeakes

      I went to Florida to hunt gators. My friend won a sales rep trip to Orlando and she asked if I wanted to go with her and 2 others and hunt gators and blow off disney. I of course went. It was a blast and I loved every minute of it. I will have to post up about it.

  7. Dogs N Pawz

    Loved learning more about you JoAnn! I don’t think I could kiss a gator! I’m envious of you! The picture with the puppies is adorable. Chessie puppies are so cute! Enough of my rambling. Loved your post!

  8. MyBrownNewfies

    Love this and I’m so happy that you joined the hop and I got to learn more about you!

    I wish I was more skilled at conformation handling too! It just looks so easy and I can it in my head over and over again, but as soon as I get in the ring I freeze up!

  9. M. K. Clinton

    Your dogs are gorgeous! I used to show my German Shepherd in AKC confirmation. It is a lot of hard work but is indeed very rewarding. Your pups look as though they love to hunt too! What a great life they get to enjoy! Congratulations on your accomplishments!

  10. Jan K

    Loved learning these things about you! I don’t read a lot anymore, but I love Janet Evanovich and now I want to get back into it more….I do miss it but the blog takes a lot of time. I also love Mark Harmon…NCIS is one of my favorite TV shows.
    So good to know you’re crazy….normal sane people are boring! 🙂

  11. Pingback: Follow-Up/FitDog Friday | Sand Spring Chesapeakes

  12. Jodi

    Wow JoAnn, I knew you hunted, but not to that degree!

    I love the Evanovitch series too, I have #20 waiting for me on the table, soon I keep telling it, soon!

    So glad you could join the blog hop and share a bit more of yourself. (P.S. I’d be a hoarder too.) 🙂

  13. Donna and the Dogs

    Holy crap…..that is really something about the elk and the alligators. especially the alligator. You ARE brave! I can’t even imagine.

    What I can imagine is easily becoming a hoarder when it comes to dogs. It always amazes me that some people can stop at just one. 🙂

    Also, the last couple of Meet the Blogs I’ve read have all mentioned Pizza. I’m supposed to be frying up eggplant for my hubby tonight, which he’s really looking forward to, yet I’m considering letting him down and asking him to get a pie on the way home now. LOL!

  14. Mel

    It is so awesome to meet the woman behind the blog. I love your Chessies so much. I cried when I read Norman was gone. I am so glad he had that last little jaunt of fun before he said his goodbyes. I am so impressed with al you do. Where do you find the time? I could never kiss an alligator, but clearly your are not as squeamish as I. 🙂

    I am so impressed!

  15. bringingupbella

    Thanks for joining the hop! It was great learning more about you. Your dogs are beautiful and Norman, oh Norman… I had my Lab for 14 years and everyone said it was nearly a miracle to have one live that long. Glad you had your Norman for so many years as well.

  16. Pingback: This ‘N That Thursday | Sand Spring Chesapeakes

  17. Pingback: Gator Mischief on Monday Mischief | Sand Spring Chesapeakes