MK And Puppies Meet~Monday Mischief

MK has pretty much been hidden the whole 8 weeks the puppies have been around up until this weekend. She finally showed her face and the face off was on.

One vs One

One vs One



Does this black and white thing move?

Does this black and white thing move?

Yes yes it does move!

Yes yes it does move!

Preacher meet MK.

Preacher meet MK.

Black Boy Meet MK

Black Boy Meet MK

I wonder what MK is doing?

I wonder what MK is doing?

I'm doing yoga brown dog leave me alone.

I’m doing yoga brown dog leave me alone.

Yoga? To me it looks like your licking your ass!

Yoga? To me it looks like your licking your ass!

I’m curious to see if Preacher and MK become friends.

On a side note: Sand Spring Chesapeakes would like to wish their buddy Oz over at Oz The Terrier a very Happy Birthday.


We would also like to thank everyone who voted for purple girl over at Noodle4president blog. Noodle had his first contest and purple girl won the Best Before And After bath picture contest. We couldn’t be happier and we couldn’t have done it with out all our wonderful fans so thank you and thank you to Noodle for having a fun contest. Purple girl will love her bully stick.

PicMonkey Collage (3)

monday mischief

This is a Blog Hop. Thanks to Alfie’s BlogSnoopy’s Dog Blog , Luna, a Dog’s Life , and My Brown Newfies for setting up this hop. Please go to any of the sponsoring blogs to find out who else has been mischievous.

17 Replies to “MK And Puppies Meet~Monday Mischief”

  1. Emmadog

    Bailie is all about purple girl being purple girl herself. It’s great the pups got to meet the cat. One more experience to check off the list!

  2. Earl Lover

    Oh, I wish Earl and Ethel had been introduced to cats as puppies! Because we’ve never had one/any, we never saw the need. Now, however, cats are their enemies. I think it’s wonderful that the pups got to meet MK.

  3. M. K. Clinton

    OMD! I can’t handle all of the cuteness in these shots! Those first two held me for a few minutes while I just soaked in the adorableness of them. LOL! Congratulations to Purple GIrl, she is a bathing beauty. ♥ I have to look back and find out where I missed Orange getting named Preacher! I love it! I”m sure he and MK will be besties.

  4. denisegruzensky

    They seem to have approached MK nicely and not overwhelmed her! MK looks very relaxed! Such cuteness!

    1. Sand Spring Chesapeakes Post author

      They were great with MK and loved it how MK just sat down and took a bath.