Monday Mischief ~Busy Buddy

Last week was a bad week of weather, Gambler was getting in the mischief where ever he could. To keep him entertained I got out the busy buddy tug-a-jug filled it full of kibble and let him have at it. He thought it was too much fun, he played and played until he ate all the kibbles up. He wasn’t sharing with any of the other dogs either.

Busy Buddy

Busy Buddy

This is too much fun.

This is too much fun.

Glory wants to know why she can't have it.

Glory wants to know why she can’t have it.

Looks like I might have to get a couple more busy buddy’s so all the dogs can enjoy and stay out of mischief.

Video of Gambler playing with his busy buddy

The busy buddy really helped Glory out with her seperation anexity when she was younger and learning how to be crate trained. She would mess in her crate when she was left in there when we would leave the house. I got the busy buddy put that in with her and it gave her something to do she forgot we were gone, she then stopped messing in her crate.

monday mischief

This is a Blog Hop. Thanks to Alfie’s Blog, Snoopy’s Dog Blog , Luna, a Dog’s Life , and My Brown Newfies for setting up this hop. Please go to any of the sponsoring blogs to find out who else has been mischievous.

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