Monday Mischief ~Live Flyer

During yesterdays training session Gambler and Glory each got a live flyer. This was their first one of the training season. They have a pen behind the shed full of chickens and ducks, they go out with me each day and feed them. They wonder why they have been in the pen all winter and haven’t come out to play.   They got to get into some mischief and had fun retrieving their live flyers. With the upcoming hunt test just around the corner we needed to start training with live flyers as each dog will get one live flyer during the hunt test. Here are the pictures with their duck.

Gambler and his bird.

Gambler and his bird.

Glory and her bird.

Glory and her bird.

Here I come mom.

Here I come mom.

I'm almost there.

I’m almost there.

John throwing Glory retrieving.

John throwing Glory retrieving.

Another one of Gambler.

Another one of Gambler.









monday mischief

This is a Blog Hop. Thanks to Alfie’s Blog, Snoopy’s Dog Blog , Luna, a Dog’s Life , and My Brown Newfies for setting up this hop. Please go to any of the sponsoring blogs to find out who else has been mischievous.

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16 Replies to “Monday Mischief ~Live Flyer”

  1. 2browndawgs

    Wonderful pictures. Your doggies are lucky to get live fliers. Thunder just got a couple old frozen training ducks…lol. We need to get him on fliers too or at least a fresh duck. He has no problem picking them up, but then doesn’t want to give them up at the test. It is funny, when he was younger he had a dropping problem which we worked on. Now it is opposite. Gotta love a Chessie. lol You want me to hold…OK I will and your are not getting it!

    1. JoAnn

      I am lucky enough to own property in the country so i can raise birds. Normaly our dogs are last to get live flyers as I rather sell them but now with two young dogs we need to use them. Gambler had a problem with dropping or rather picking up nasty birds..a little force fetch refresher and he too mow wants to hold them. he has gotten better.

      JoAnn Stancer Sent from my U.S. Cellular® Android-powered phone

    1. JoAnn

      I do feel sad too for the birds after I took care of them for a year. Then I realize they are part of my dogs training program in order for them to gain the titles they need for breeding and hunting. Those ducks have quite the life at my farm.

      JoAnn Stancer Sent from my U.S. Cellular® Android-powered phone

    1. Sand Spring Chesapeakes

      A live flyer is one of my mallard ducks that I have in a pen to use for training. We are trying to simulate a duck hunt. I do not train with 2 Brown Dawgs because they are in MI and I am in WI but we both have Chesapeakes and we both are doing the same type of training and going to the same type of hunt tests to get titles on our dogs for hunt test competitions.

      JoAnn Stancer N8767 Larson Rd Cambria, WI 53923 920-948-7738