Monday Mischief~Finished Test HRC

Saturday Gambler and I ran another HRC Finished test. This one was held in Junction City host club was Muddy Waters HRC. Gambler was dog 13 which is his lucky number (or unlucky on other tests as he was #13 and he failed) but I digress and it was our turn to run. I decided to bite the bullet again and handle him since I have been doing all of his training the past couple of weeks, and since it broke my heart to see him walk off as I stayed in the truck on his last test I decided I was going to handle him again.

Walking to the line at some what of a heel.

Mischief starts by walking out ahead of me and having to call him back to re heel.

A triple going off, Gambler marking, me shooting.

Retrieving the marks.

Mark #2.

Mark #3. Watching the diversion bird going off.

Running the blind, me casting.

Gambler taking the cast.

Finished the test, walking off the line.

Gambler was very frisky during the photo shoot he kept kissing and kissing me and wouldn’t sit still. Lots of mischief there.

First Finished pass, two happy campers.

Sunday we ran another finished test. We were dog #1. The test didn’t go as well as the test on Saturday. It was a triple right to left the birds were being thrown by electronic wingers. First one went down, second one went down and since the third bird was so far off the the left and the dog really had to swing it’s head to see it the judges used the duck call on the wingers to get the dogs attention. Instead of pressing the third winger duck call the judge pressed the second winger duck call so Gambler was locked in on that station, he then called from the third station but Gambler was still locked on the second station, he called again and I said just to release the bird. The judge released the bird I shot and Gambler did see the bird. I stood up and guided him to go pick up the third bird down and he took a line a bit to the left of the bird down which was in the water, he got up on land circled the winger station and came down to the shoreline picked up a bird and came swimming back (that bird was left out there by mistake so his bird was still in the water). He then picked up the two other marks, since that bird was out in the water I had to leash up Gambler and go hide in the weeds so the judge could go out and get the bird before Gambler ran the blind. We came back to the line and we ran the blind, he was taking casts really well and got within 15 yards of the blind and decided he wanted to joyride and got up on land and ran around not listening to my whistles and doing his own thing. He was in such tall cover I couldn’t tell where he was and all of a sudden I could see the grass move and he hightailed it over to the blind and grabbed the bird and came back. The judges informed me we failed because of the blind. Yup, I know that thank you for your donation. I do think taking him off line and leashing him up told him he was done and he wasn’t focused anymore which lead to the mischief but one for books and we will try again next year.

monday mischief

This is a Blog Hop. Thanks to Alfie’s BlogSnoopy’s Dog Blog , Luna, a Dog’s Life , and My Brown Newfies for setting up this hop. Please go to any of the sponsoring blogs to find out who else has been mischievous.

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14 Replies to “Monday Mischief~Finished Test HRC”

  1. 2 Brown Dawgs

    Congrats on Saturday. It sounds like Sunday was a mechanical mess. I agree taking off line messes them up. It is not something you really train them to do. So I wonder of more HRC clubs will go to mechanical wingers?

  2. easyweimaraner

    I’m happy he was such a good guy on saturday, no wonder that he was overhappy and tried to kiss you. Sorry that the sunday was not your day, but he is a wonderful dog and I know he is a winner.

  3. Oz the Terrier

    Well, at least Saturday was a triumph! I think GMan was all over you afterwards because he totally enjoys being handled by you while hunting. He was having fun while doing really well! You both look great in those photos…and GMan looks so proud in that 2nd photo, like he knows he made you happy.
    *high paws*

  4. Emmadog

    That stinks that he didn’t pass, but he sure had a lot of fun and as Mom is trying to learn, it is the fun that is really important. He will get it eventually.

  5. Pooch Smooches

    Congrats on Sat. Sunday sounds a bit frustrating, but he seemed to still have a good time, so there’s that at least. Love the pic of him being frisky and wanting to kiss you!

  6. It's Dog or Nothing

    At least you got one good day! The last picture with you and Gambler is adorable 🙂