Monday Mischief~Gman Vs Coat

I can’t leave my jacket on a chair, on a door handle, on the staircase or anywhere’s because Gambler feels the need to grab it and carry it around. Sometimes he just carries it around, sometimes he just lays on it and sometimes he chews holes in the pockets to try and get out the chapstick. I think he has my chapstick addiction as he is constantly grabbing my chapstick and chewing it up.

I guess this gives me a reason to always put my jacket away. Do any of your dogs have to take stuff of yours?

So after I did this post I get up and see this…….

photo 1

Gambler decided to go though the clothes I had set aside for goodwill.

photo 2

Glory thought she should help out. Always mischief going on.

monday mischief

This is a Blog Hop. Thanks to Alfie’s BlogSnoopy’s Dog Blog , Luna, a Dog’s Life , and My Brown Newfies for setting up this hop. Please go to any of the sponsoring blogs to find out who else has been mischievous.

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16 Replies to “Monday Mischief~Gman Vs Coat”

  1. 2browndawgs

    LOL Freighter does the same thing with my slippers including the vocalizing. At first I did not know how to take the vocalizing, but I now know he is just playing. Thunder would steal slippers but never vocalize….lol.

  2. Emma

    Bailie and I like to steal dirty laundry and when we are getting ready to go out we like to sneak away with one of her gloves 🙂 I love chapstick too! I always want to kiss Mom right after she puts it on and if I could get a hold of a tube, I think I would eat it. She used to have vanilla flavor and that made me really crazy.

  3. Oz the Terrier

    OH.MY.DOG! Gambler is hilarious, Miss JoAnn! I bet he just wants to be near you all the time…that’s why he takes ALL your things. BOL What a silly doggie.
    *Cairn cuddles*

  4. easyweimaraner

    I’m sure Gambler is my twin. I do that too, because I smell the treats my mom had in her pocket once. The worst (says mom) is when I try to play tug with her jacket. Since I live here they are more tidier than before, so I think I trained them well :o)

  5. Jenna,Mark “HuskyCrazed” Drady

    hahaha! That was a great video!! My dogs dont carry my things around but Mika has this weird thing where she sleeps with her nose in my shoe! BOL ew! haha! Every time I take my shoe off her head goes it it!
    Love your accent btw!!!
    ((husky hugz))
    frum our pack at love is being owned by a husky

  6. gvannini

    That video is adorable! My dogs love to sleep on my coat, but they carry blankets around. Bauer especially has a blanket he’s had since he was a baby and he sleeps with it at night and then carries it around the house during the day. My mom’s dog has a slipper/shoe obsession. She does not chew or damage anything but she collects everyone’s shoes and slippers and puts them in her crate or on the couch. It’s kind of cute really!

  7. Frankie and Ernie

    BaaaaaaWaaaaah Gambler that is super funny. Butt aren’t you afraid you will get PEEP Germs from HER ChapStick?

  8. M. K. Clinton

    What a big helper! My son taught our Golden Retriever to take his dirty clothes to the laundry room. Tucker decided he should take all dirty clothes to be washed. My husband started putting his on his closet floor for safe keeping. Tucker learned to open Dad’s closet and get the clothes. It was hilarious to watch and Tucker was always so proud of helping!

  9. Kari Neumeyer

    Leo picks up one shoe and runs toward the back door with it. Sometimes he takes it all the way outside, which can be annoying if that was the shoe you wanted to wear. We’re not sure where one of Rob’s slippers has gone too, and hope it’s not under the snow!

  10. Donna and the Dogs

    Love the video…he’s so proud of himself. LOL!
    Toby LOVES stealing my slippers – but he never eats them – just runs around and nibbles on them, so I let him get away with it.

    1. Pooch Smooches

      That’s so funny! Rita is so good – she never even tries to take anything that isn’t hers. Our angel Abby though LOVED our dirty socks and underwear. We used to call her a “sock sucker” because she was always carrying our socks around. If we’d go out, we’d come home and find her up on her fave chair with our socks. Miss that crazy kid.

  11. jodi

    He’s so damn proud of himself!! I love it. My dogs mostly carry toys around, although on occasion Delilah will turn up with a glove or sock, but never a jacket!

  12. Jan K

    Too funny! Gambler doesn’t screw around with the small stuff, does he? Luke’s favorite thing is slippers. If we take them off and come back later to get them, there’s usually at least one gone. Our golden retriever Moses used to do the same thing, so Luke must have thought we missed that!