Monday Mischief~Grand Champion

Yesterday was a good kind of mischief for once. The past week had been a really somber one and that all changed yesterday when I went to a UKC dog show. I entered Gambler and Glory into the Champion class to hopefully earn a win and a leg towards their UKC Grand Champion title. Gambler already had 3 out of 5 legs and Glory needs all 5 legs.

Double Trouble at the show.

Double Trouble at the show.

I think I will grab your shirt.

I think I will grab your shirt.

I must jump higher to get your shirt.

I must jump higher to get your shirt.

I love you mom,,,really love you.

I love you mom,,,really love you.

I want you mom!

I want you mom!

I love you mom! And I love you Gambler!

I love you mom! And I love you Gambler!

Group ring.

Group ring.

Ain't I the coolest?

Ain’t I the coolest?


And after all that mischief this is what we got…………………..


USJ HR U-GRCH Sand Spring Ev’ry Paw’s A Winner SH

This was a bitter sweet day. I laid Gambler’s dad to rest 4 days prior and today Norman was with me in my necklace to watch his son become a UKC Grand Champion. I couldn’t be more happier in my boy. What a start of a new era, new beginnings!

Sand Spring Chesapeakes would like to take a moment to say thank you to all the men and women who serve our country. Thanks for all you do on this Veterans Day.


monday mischief

This is a Blog Hop. Thanks to Alfie’s Blog, Snoopy’s Dog Blog , Luna, a Dog’s Life , and My Brown Newfies for setting up this hop. Please go to any of the sponsoring blogs to find out who else has been mischievous.

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27 Replies to “Monday Mischief~Grand Champion”

  1. FleaByte

    Awww. Congratulations! How appropriate, the win after the loss. I’m so glad Norman was with you in part. 🙂

  2. Jan K

    Yay for Gambler, congratulations!!! I am so glad you had this happy event, and that Norman’s spirit was there with you watching over you and his son.

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