This weekend we had a good kind of Mischief. Once again we were at a hunt test. This hunt test was a UKC HRC test hosted by Muddy Water’s Hunting Retrieving Club. It was held by Steven’s Point, WI at the Mead Wildlife
Glory was entered in Started, which I ran her and Gambler was entered in Seasoned, John ran him. Gambler’s first test was land, he had a double with a diversion thrown after the second mark was brought back then he had a blind. He did excellent on everything even listened to John on the blind. He then went on to water where he had a walk up then his 2 marks. After that was done then he ran a small channel blind and did another excellent job. He got his second seasoned pass.
Glory first test was water, she had 2 single retrieves on water. The first mark she went right in and brought the bird back. The second one she had a small amount of hesitation, she went to the left she went to the right looked at the decoys on the right then I was just about to resend her and then she jumped in and got her duck. The land was next and she had no problems at all. She got her first started pass.
Sunday was another test day. Same scenario as Saturday. Glory was entered in Started, which I ran her and Gambler was entered in Seasoned, John ran him. Gambler’s first test was land. It was a walk up then the blind then his double marks. The blind was a little harry, he wouldn’t listen once again at the end, he thought he could find the bird by himself. He had a couple refusals and the judge said he needs a clean water blind. Glory did most excellent on water. She jumped in twice and had no hesitation at all. I was very proud of her, is she coming around???? We will see. Her land was spot on too! She nailed her 2 land marks, didn’t stop short, didn’t over run them she was spot on! She received her second started pass on Sunday.
Gambler ran land first which was a walk up then the blind which he had trouble at the end of the blind again. He thought he knew where it was so he wasn’t taking John’s cast as well as he should of. The judge told John he could continue to the marks but he better show more control on his water blind to pass. His land double was good. He moved onto water and had to do the blind first which he showed more control and did the blind nicely, then there was a diversion and the 2 water marks. I didn’t get to see this test at all as it was in a small area with no place for me to hide so I stayed by the truck. I was listening to the whistle blows and thought he was having troubles on the blind again but I was wrong and he passed. He received his Hunting Retrieving title and I got wet.
Gamblers new name is: USJ HR U-CH Sand Spring Ev’ry Paw’s A Winner JH
Getting ready for the COLD well water.
The baptism!
WOWEEEE that was cold but well worth it!
A big thanks to Muddy Waters HRC! This was our first time running our dogs on the Mead Wildlife grounds. We had a fabulous weekend, met some really nice people, the club members, the judges everyone made it a great weekend. We will be coming back!
Please don’t forget to go to and vote for Glory. She isn’t doing to bad on votes.
Don’t forget also if you haven’t left a comment on my Rain Forest Coastal Labs Shampoo blog post last week go back and check it out and have a chance to win a sample of their shampoo by leaving me a comment. This contest will end Tuesday AM Aug 6th.
My blog friend PHE is in the cutest but caught contest also, stop on by and vote for her also.
She is one the destroyed couch with this caption: MOM…I promise, it wasn’t me! The other 3 are hiding. They just want you to think it was me!
This is a Blog Hop. Thanks to Alfie’s Blog, Snoopy’s Dog Blog , Luna, a Dog’s Life , and My Brown Newfies for setting up this hop. Please go to any of the sponsoring blogs to find out who else has been mischievous.
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Congrats to Glory and Gambler! That cold water doesn’t look like fun:) Thanks so much for the shout out to vote for Phe! We just voted 5 more times for Glory. She is adorable in that picture! We will keep voting:)
YAY for Glory and Gambler!!! On our way to vote and I am getting cold just looking at that water!
Wooooowooooo! Beautiful metals! Woooowoooooo, Ku
Great job by ALL. Congratulations. I love that picture of Glory & Gambler with their medals – beautiful shot! They are so proud of themselves.
Congrats on Gambler’s title. I just knew he could do it! Channel blinds are always difficult for our doggies. They don’t run them much here, so we train them but not that often. Good job Gambler.
Hooray for Glory and congrats! Maybe she is figuring out that hunt tests are FUN! Sometimes if just takes a little longer for some dogs. I really think Freighter’s training attitude has improved since his tests last month. It is like it is all starting to make sense to him. (Of course we all know that he could revert back to puppy brain at any moment…lol.)
Love the drenching pictures! lol
Sounds like there were some breath-holding moments, but things turned out well every time. (Dogs love to keep us on our toes, don’t they?) 🙂
And woo – hoo! Congrats on the new title!!
Congrats on the new titles! However, if getting cold spring water over your head is the reward for a job well done…..not sure I’d want to keep trying 😉
Oh, I call mischief on the guy with the bucket! Glory & Gambler look so proud of themselves! As well they should be. Great pics!
Sounds like it was a successful weekend…congrats!
Hi Y’all!
Sounds like a great time was had by all! Congratulations!
Y’all come by now,
Hawk aka BrownDog
Omigoodness! They look so sharp with those medals! And you’re all wet, woman! 😉
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