It’s been a bit since we’ve had a Monday Mischief with broken household items. Yesterday was a doozy!
I have a old time wash basin stand with a wash basin and pitcher in it that I have had in our 7 year old house in the same spot for the past 7 years and it has been bumped into by the 4 dogs but never tipped over. Now that I only have 3 dogs guess what happened?????
And to think this happened when only 2 dogs were in the house! Which dog do you think did this?????
Wrong! Gman wasn’t the blame for this mischief!
Glory was outside (she didn’t want to come in, she rather be out where it is cold) Nellie and Gman were in the house in the kitchen. Glory let out a big bark outside so that set Nellie off and she started barking and running from the kitchen to the living room. I have laminate flooring so when running it’s hard to get traction and then she had to turn a corner to get around the couch to get to the window to see what set Glory into a alarming bark. As she went around the corner she slid right into the stand and over it went! Pieces and parts every where! The mirror came flying out and luckily it didn’t break or 7 more years of bad luck! The stand isn’t made all that sturdy so the top came unattached from the bottom. Being the handy woman I am I got out my screw gun and screws and screwed the two parts back together, then screwed the mirror back on and it is almost good as new. The basin didn’t make it and the pitcher has a nice chunk missing from the back but you can’t see with all the feathers in it.
So this is what it looks like now.
Now you all need to say your sorry for thinking Gman did this one! 🙂
Other basin’s and pitcher’s that have been broken.
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Oh no! My parents use to have a wash basin like that. It was gorgeous and they kept it in their room far away from the dogs. I’m not sure what happened to it. I’ll have to ask them!
they are beautiful!
Maybe it needs 4 dogs, that things are covered from every side? It’s sad when we lost ancient things, they mostly have a story or a hi-story… I know it’s not the same, but I was very sad too as Easy ate my pony what I’ve had since I was born.
oh no not ate the pony, sounds like easy likes to destroy things like gman
You need to do one of those posts I’ve seen “Why I can’t have nice things”….It’s weird to say, but I’m glad Gambler didn’t do it…I bet he is too!
hahaha that is funny “why I can’t have nice things” yup that would sum it up.
Oh dear, and it was such a beautiful piece. Thank heavens you are good at the handywoman stuff.
I can’t be quite crafty at times, just don’t look closely at it.
Oh, sorry Gman… I thought it woulda been you! It’s pretty lucky the mirror didn’t break and the pitcher didn’t end up in more pieces! Looks good as new, in the end!
right away gman gets the blame, lol
Omigoodness! I really love those old pitchers and basins. I’ve always wanted one, but have never had a place to put it. Everything I own has to be functional. Glad you still have the pitcher!
I do too, I used to have many until they started getting destroyed.
Oooh… Naughty Nellie! For once the youngsters were not the troublemakers… 🙂
The old dog does it this time!
I’m guilty! When I started reading your post I was for sure it was Gambler! Shame on me!
Naughty naughty
lol love the dear santa sign!
hehe I did too!
Maybe it’s time to take interest in less fragile decor. Anyone for papier mache? Or woven baskets? 🙂
I think so, wouldn’t cost me as much:)
If I had a nickel for every time I’ve said “Can’t I ever have anything nice around here??” 🙂
I love those old wash basins and pitchers, I’ve always wanted a set. I’d say you did pretty well at salvaging most of it!
Heh Nellie was not to be outdone by the younger ones. Too bad about the basin, but I am glad you could salvage it. 🙂
Woah, hope nobody is hurt by the broken pieces! Gman has an innocent look about him 😛
Funny, funny, funny, I’m sorry G-Man, the first words I uttered were, “OH G-Man.” LOL
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