Monday Mischief~More Wood Hauling

I’ve figured out that Glory has one of Norman’s genes which in the end I am very thankful for. You see Norman could never go outside without grabbing something and taking it with him. If there was nothing to grab he found something outside to grab and bring to you. This winter we have our firewood that is for our fireplace inside the house stacked up outside our door on our deck. Each time we open up the door to send the dogs outside to go potty Glory grabs a piece of wood and hauls it to the lawn. Gambler and Nellie don’t do this just Glory and it is every time she goes out side so after awhile her pile looks like this……..

Glory's own wood play pile area.

Glory’s own wood play pile area.

This is the pile on the deck right outside the door.

This is the pile on the deck right outside the door.

Some times she doesn't make it to the pile on the lawn.

Some times she doesn’t make it to the pile on the lawn.

Some times she will leave them in the driveway for us to run over.

Some times she will leave them in the driveway for us to run over.

Some times she will haul them around the shed to the pheasant pen.

Some times she will haul them around the shed to the pheasant pen.

Of course she leaves them there and doesn't put them back.

Of course she leaves them there and doesn’t put them back.

Side of the shed.

Side of the shed.


Some times she will leave them on the side of the shed.

Some times she will leave them on the side of the shed.

I think I will leave them here and chew on them.

I think I will leave them here and chew on them.

More chewing.

More chewing.


Hauling more wood.

Hauling more wood.

I have quite the wood hauler, if only she would haul them back on the deck and stack them.

monday mischief


This is a Blog Hop. Thanks to Alfie’s Blog, Snoopy’s Dog Blog , Luna, a Dog’s Life , and My Brown Newfies for setting up this hop. Please go to any of the sponsoring blogs to find out who else has been mischievous.









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14 Replies to “Monday Mischief~More Wood Hauling”

  1. SlimDoggy (@MySlimDoggy)

    I like 2browndawgs idea – Norman told her to do it 🙂
    Our dog Tino used to do that with stuffed toys. He’d take one out everyday and leave it scattered somewhere in the backyard. He continued to do it even after he went blind. I’d go out and pick them all up, wash them and put them back in the toy bin and within a day or two, they’d all be back out in the yard. Too funny.

  2. susancwillett

    That’s funny. My terrier Rosie used to collect stones from our driveway. She’d hide them in her mouth and then come running inside the house to play “I’ve got something you can’t have.” She thought it was hilarious.

  3. M. K. Clinton

    That’s so funny! Our “granddog” Westie Pierre insists on bringing us something every time he wakes up. Usually a toy, so it looks like a doggie daycare in the house. After going outside, he always brings us a leaf. He’s a very giving puppy! LOL. Those are big logs being hauled around though!

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