Monday Mischief~Prezzie’s

The Sand Spring gang scored with the prezzie’s for Christmas. I scored on the Jones Natural Chews when I was at our local feed store, they had a buy one get one free deal so I bought them all up. I wrapped them all up and put them under the tree because I know how much Gambler loves to open things. I bought Glory and Gambler each a bottle toy and then I won a give away hosted by Oz The Terrier so the puller toy came right in time for Christmas.

Nellie could care less about opening prezzie’s so she was off to the side just watching. Glory will open some but when she grabs one and starts opening it Gambler comes in and takes it away from her. Gambler will grab one from under the tree and open it go back for another open a corner of it and go back for another until they are all opened a little bit. He is a prezzie hog for sure.

What do we have here? Prezzie’s?

Oh look the mother load.

Glory opening up a toy.

Glory guarding her Jones Chew.

I love prezzie’s.

What do we have here?

They really wrapped this up good.

It’s a puller toy.

It’s a two pack.

It’s got me!

I can’t get this off.

Stop back on Friday to see more pictures of the gang playing with their puller toy.

Do your dogs open up their own presents?

monday mischief

This is a Blog Hop. Thanks to Alfie’s BlogSnoopy’s Dog B

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log , Luna, a Dog’s Life , and My Brown Newfies for setting up this hop. Please go to any of the sponsoring blogs to find out who else has been mischievous.

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23 Replies to “Monday Mischief~Prezzie’s”

  1. Oz the Terrier

    Woof-hoo! Look at all those pressies! I am not surprised that my good friend GMan is a present hog…I am the same way so thank dog I am an only dog. BOL I am glad the Gang likes the PULLER…I cannot wait to see more photos of them playing with it.

  2. MyDogLikes

    How fun!! This looks a lot my my Xmas morning! Looks like they really love to unwrap like us! We have a giveaway and review of pet-safe wrapping paper today! Looks like it would be good fit!

  3. Miss Harper Lee

    Love that photo of Glory guarding her Jones Chew. Smart girl! Mommy goes the gift bag route, and I absolutely love shoving my head down into a gift bag . . . even if it’s not for me. 😉

  4. Emmadog

    Looks like you all are really enjoying your new stuff! If you are too busy with the toys, I would be happy to help out with the Jones treats.

  5. Frankie and Ernie

    WOW ! The Mother of all Mother Lodes… hope you got away from that… sneaky toy that GOTTED YOU.

  6. M. K. Clinton

    I don’t let them unwrap presents. Now I feel all Grinchy! LOL! Their presents are never wrapped. I think you saw them discover that Santa Paws came on my site. I will have to try letting them unwrap something. Bentley & I love his new collar and leash. He got it Christmas morning. (unwrapped) ☺

  7. Cathy Connolly

    BOL they sure had a good time 🙂 Looks like our house trying to get photos of quickly moving pooches is not easy when they are opening prezzies. Look forward to more of these great pictures~~

  8. Jan K

    What a fun Christmas they had! We put all the toys in gift bags and let them pull them out. Luke was the only one that really did that though. I think the girls just wanted him to do all the work! Luke and Sheba both tried to help me unwrap my presents though, so I think I might wrap at least some of them next year.

    1. Sand Spring Chesapeakes

      I would say the crown knuckly because all the crunchies but the knee cap is a runner up. And they are still chewing on the mammoth leg which they usually stop after a bit but they are still going strong on that. Thank you! JoAnn StancerN8767 Larson RdCambria, WI 53923920-948-7738 Follow Sand Spring chesapeakes on Facebook:

      Follow Gambler J Stancer on Facebook:  My Blog:  Don’t take your organs to heaven, heaven knows we need them here. Sign your drivers license and become a organ donor.