Monday Mischief~Rides $1.00

Since the hunt test season has come to a end Gambler was thinking about all the mischief he got into and came up with a plan to help pay for next years hunt test.

He came up with Wheel Barrel Rides!

Wheel Barrel Rides $1.00

Glory volunteered to go on the first ride.

What? You want me to sign a waiver?

You promise Gambler not to push me that fast?

Get your rides here, only $1.00 to help support Gman’s hunt test season.

On to other mischief because we can’t have a mischief with just fun and game we have to have a Wrecker Wednesday in here too.

Normally Gambler is mean to Glory, he pegs her if she is too close to his stuff, he hogs the toys and pegs her when she comes close so the only way Glory can get back at him is when I let them out of their kennels she has the upper hand or she thinks and she pegs him and get’s him back for all the time he pegs her. This time she pegged him slammed him into the door to the dog room and pushed the door into the new framed certificates I just hung up and crash, the glass smashed and fell all over the place. I guess 7 years bad luck for Gambler so he will really need folks to come on over and pay for some rides!

Yesterday I asked “Where’s Glory”, could anyone spot her in black and white?

How about in color?

If you couldn’t spot Glory.

She doesn’t cause as much mischief in the field like Gambler, she lays down until a bird is shot and behaves herself. Gambler sits up as soon as he hears the geese.

monday mischief

This is a Blog Hop. Thanks to Alfie’s BlogSnoopy’s Dog Blog , Luna, a Dog’s Life , and My Brown Newfies for setting up this hop. Please go to any of the sponsoring blogs to find out who else has been mischievous.

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18 Replies to “Monday Mischief~Rides $1.00”

  1. easyweimaraner

    I want a ride, butt I better pay $$10, if we do something together it probably ends not well :o) I hope the 7 years of bad luck are over soon…maybe next week or tomorrow :o)

  2. Frankie and Ernie

    OMD Gambler…. WHEELBARROW RIDES… THAT is a SUPER idea… and WHAT a Bargain… you could do them fur the next Blogville Event/Bash… and make like 87 bazillion bucks…
    Now don’t worry about that 7 years of bad luck, buddy…. THAT is only fur a broken MIRROR… Just Sayin.

  3. pawedblog

    Aww what a great idea!! You can’t charge Glory though!! How unfair!!
    P.S. I still couldn’t spot her even when pointed out!!
    Hugs, Carrie & Pups x

  4. Jan K

    That boy is going to be working for a long time, especially if you make him pay for everything he’s destroyed! LOL
    Glory was hiding very well!

  5. Hawk aka BrownDog

    Hi Y’all!

    No way I’d ride with you Gman! I see that look on your face when Glory asks you not to go too fast! I will help you out though, it’s a broken mirror that is 7 years bad luck…so if it was just broken glass from a picture frame…don’t worry about it!

    Y’all come by now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog