Monday Mischief~Snake Hunter

Whatcha got there Nellie?

Whatcha got there Nellie?

It's my snake, let me have it.

It’s my snake, let me have it.

Gotta make a run for it if I want this snake to myself.

Gotta make a run for it if I want this snake to myself.

I must make sure it is dead, I don't want it attacking anyone.

I must make sure it is dead, I don’t want it attacking anyone.

Crunch crunch crunch, I hate snakes. They make me make mean faces at them.

Crunch crunch crunch, I hate snakes. They make me make mean faces at them.

Don't worry Gman, I took care of it, it won't get you.

Don’t worry Gman, I took care of it, it won’t get you.

Nellie saves the day again and takes care of a snake crossing their path. She was all full of mischief when she found that snake. She was having a ball with it. The other two dogs and I went on our way hunting and she was still messing with that snake.

Do your dogs make mean faces when they pick up a snake? Nellie will pick it up, shake it and curl her lips up, I think it must taste like crap.

Mischief #2

Glory usually isn’t a mischief maker but……the other day while i was making Normans Birthday cake I hear crunch crunch crunch coming from the living room. I went over to see what was going on and this is what I found….

Glory eating my acorn squash. After pictures I put the squash back. The next day the same thing. I guess she likes squash. I then chucked it outside for her to chew on all she wants. Guess what? Now she doesn’t want it!

monday mischief

This is a Blog Hop. Thanks to Alfie’s Blog, Snoopy’s Dog Blog , Luna, a Dog’s Life , and My Brown Newfies for setting up this hop. Please go to any of the sponsoring blogs to find out who else has been mischievous.

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20 Replies to “Monday Mischief~Snake Hunter”

  1. Gizmo

    Good golly…snake hunters? I’ve never had a dog pick up a snake which is lucky cause I did find Bruno dancing around a cottonmouth once but he kept his distance till i got a neighbor to “dispose” of it…Glory is cracking me up…Snagging that acorn squash is so funny…Good mischief this week…The Walk Your Dog Hop is monthly…the first Monday of every month, so the next one will be on December 2nd and thanks for asking

  2. SlimDoggy (@MySlimDoggy)

    Sometimes snacks are only enticing when they are taken from the kitchen counter. Snakes? Uggh – luckily we don’t see too many here because they only come out during the day and we’re usually done with our walks by then.

  3. amywern

    Ok, you need to put a disclaimer up when you are posting about the slithery evil ones. You sure gave me my dose of the willies for the week. Ugh. Do you have to worry about any poisonous snakes out there?

  4. Sue at Talking Dogs

    Laughing about the squash… the forbidden always tastes better 😉 Snakes… I remember the day I looked out the kitchen window to see Lucy whirling around a huge black snake like a lariot…

  5. Miss Harper Lee

    So funny that Glory didn’t want the squash when she was allowed to have it. Typical. 😉 This spring we had more than the usual number of snakes in our yard. I generally just give my mommy a look that says, “You are going to take care od that, right?” 🙂

  6. Jan K

    I see a lot of snakes down in my garden area, but the dogs either haven’t seen one, or they just have no interest. Fine with me….they creep me out! LOL
    That’s too funny about the squash. Our dog Maggie used to like to chew on pumpkins. Back then I didn’t know pumpkin was good for dogs!

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