Monday Mischief~What’s Under The Couch

Always interesting what one will find when you move your sectional couch that is on a hardwood floor.

What do we have here? Rawhide, fuzz from toy....

What do we have here? Rawhide, fuzz from toy….

More rawhides, cat mouse, dog food....

More rawhides, cat mouse, dog food….

The dogs think it is like hitting the jackpot when I move the couch, they get rawhides and all kinds of goodies to snack on again.

If that isn’t enough mischief for you then maybe this will be………

Paper towel explosion!

Paper towel explosion!

Who could the mischief maker be?

The cat??????

The cat??????









Glory eating a shoe.

Glory eating a shoe.

So which one was the mischief maker???????

My guess would be Gambler took the roll and started shredding it, Glory came along and helped and started eating it and then decided a shoe tasted much better and the cat just sat and watched it all thinking you guys are going to get your ass’s kicked when mom gets out of the shower!

We're so cute, we didn't do anything wrong!

We’re so cute, we didn’t do anything wrong!

Never a dull Mischief Monday day around our house.

monday mischief


This is a Blog Hop. Thanks to Alfie’s BlogSnoopy’s Dog Blog , Luna, a Dog’s Life , and My Brown Newfies for setting up this hop. Please go to any of the sponsoring blogs to find out who else has been mischievous.






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17 Replies to “Monday Mischief~What’s Under The Couch”

  1. easyweimaraner

    Seems that they are partners in crime :o) but you’re right, moving the couch is like open a treasure chest. I found a shriveled ole hotdog under the couch, at the first look I thought someone lost a finger (or something much worse). But after all: Glory is a girl, so she must love shoes :o)

  2. Frankie and Ernie

    We like to STORE goodies under the sofa also. Butt then MOM the ROBBER of all thingys GRRRREAT… comes along with her EVIL Furend… VACULA.. and STEALS 87 or so of our special thingys.
    Now about the paper towels… we KNOW who did it… Evil TREE RATS…

  3. Jan K

    I’m always afraid to look under the couches…but then sometimes we find some long lost toy! And I thought I was the only one who had to worry about what was going on just while I was taking a shower! LOL

  4. M. K. Clinton

    They all look innocent to me. It is amazing what you can find under the couch. If it’s food, Bentley usually tips me off by trying to wedge his body under the 2″ opening! LOL!

  5. Hawk aka BrownDog

    Hi Y’all!

    BOL!!! Kitty is too funny! Shame on you Glory! You’re supposed to pick things up and give them to your humans, not eat them! and Gambler…I’m speechless…

    Y’all come by now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog