July 15 is National Pet Fire Safety Day thanks to the combined efforts of The American Kennel Club (AKC) and ADT Security Systems. They joined forces to spread awareness on how pets can start fires in home and how to prevent them. According to the National Fire Protection Association 500,000 pets are affected by house fires each year.
Don’t add to the statistics prevent pet fires by:
- Extinguish open flames
- Secure young pets
- Remove stove knobs
- Use flame-less candles
- Beware of glass water bowls on wooden decks
I was surprised by the Beware of glass water bowls on wooden decks. I have never heard that glass bowls could cause fires. They say when using a glass bowl on a wooden deck the sun’s ray when filtered through the glass and water can actually heat up and ignite the wooden deck beneath it. If going to leave a water bowl on the deck for your pets make it a ceramic or stainless steel bowl.
How to keep your pets safe:
- Install a monitored smoke detector for when they are home alone
- Keep pets towards entrances so can easily get out by firefighters
- Affix a ‘pet alert’ window cling on a front window
- Secure young pets
- Have a emergency preparation kit near the pets (food, water, bowls, medical records, collars, leashes) could easily pack this extra stuff in a Rubbermaid tote.
wow you are such cool firefighters… bet all girls&boys will either swoon or they turn green with envy. thanks for a very impawtant post… we hope all peeps and pets stay safe that summer :o)
These are SUPER, SUPER TIPS!!!!!!!! You should add this to Blog The Change #BtC4A That is what we did with ours, we mentioned fire safety too due to something that happened at our building last week. your photos are just adorable!
I cannot believe that I missed Fire Safety Day! Grrr! We have the hat and everything. LOL! Your firedogs are adorable. I had not heard about glass bowls either. Thanks for the tips.
Always next year. I get ticked when I look back at the Calendar and notice I forgot a event to write about, that’s what happens when I let my mind remember
Never heard that about glass bowls either. Interesting.
That photo with the running hose is pawsome! Great job. Here’s to a perfectly safe weekend. 😉
I didn’t know that about the glass bowls either! When we replace our stove I want to get one without knobs on the front. My nephew’s dog almost started a fire that way, when he had left a dirty pan on the stove. I am careful to not leave dirty pans up there so Luke would have no reason to jump up there and accidentally hit the knobs.
That emergency kit is a great idea too. We have so many extra dishes and collars, leashes, etc. it would just make sense to have a kit in the garage. Then if we had a house fire we’d have those supplies still handy.
Those are excellent tips!