It’s funny what dogs remember, in this case Gambler has a great memory as he must of liked his visits to Veterinary Village last year for his semen collection and freezing. This isn’t VV but it is another clinic and Gambler only had one thing on his mind. We went last Thursday to WVRC to do our pre screening tests for becoming a blood donor. Gambler sat by the door in the exam room and started lifting his butt up and down against the door. I’ve figured out that this is him being a obvious masturbater. He has no shame at all and I don’t for putting it out there for everyone to see!!
After all it is Hump Day!
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Too funny!
Such a boy!
Poor boy! BOL! That is hilarious unless you’re Gambler!
LOL. I took my aunt (NOT a dog person) to a big dog show this weekend. We had fun, until she started asking questions about the semen collection van. It seems that was just to much for her.
What a wonderful thing to do!
More than one way to give life!
OMD. That’s hysterical.
Hahaha! So funny. At least he is enjoying himself at the clinic. LOL He must feel like he is quite the stud muffin.
I understand that… currently I make efurry day to a hump day…. hehehe
Bwahaha. Good one and far less pointed than the intended point of the trip.
LOL….typical boy!!