Nothing But Norman #106

Happy Saturday All!

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More fun at the lake photos today. Norman and Nellie playing, ok so Norman is trying to play and Nellie is being a bully and stealing his toys right out of his mouth. Norman had the personality that if Nellie tried to take them he just let her have them. He was a gentle soul that way, but don’t try and do that with his ducks! A toy no big deal it’s not that important but a duck is a whole another story.

We are joining Ruckus The Eskie and Earl’s World for Sepia Saturday.


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We are also joining The Pet Parade.


Hosted by: Rascal and RoccoJan’s Funny FarmBasil the Bionic CatBarking From The Bayou and Love Is Being Owned By A Husky.

10 Replies to “Nothing But Norman #106”

  1. M. K. Clinton

    Tucker used to let Bentley steal his toys and now Pierre steals Bentley’s so it has come full circle here with the pesky little sibling thing! LOL!

  2. Jan K

    Sheba is like Norman was….she will always give in to her siblings, though occasionally she will put up a fight for certain toys!

  3. Emmadog

    How nice it would be to have a dog that just let the other win. I would never give up anything to my sisters if they tried to get it.