Nothing But Norman #107





Happy Saturday All!

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When Norman was near any water of course he was in it, he loved the water. He also loved to stroll around the banks and look for sticks and tree roots, he would find them and then either pick up the stick and bring it to you to throw or he would grab hold of the tree root and pull until he broke it off so he could bring it to you to throw. All he had on his mind was what he could get to bring you to throw. He loved to retrieve!

We are joining Ruckus The Eskie and Earl’s World for Sepia Saturday.


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We are also joining The Pet Parade.


13 Replies to “Nothing But Norman #107”

  1. Emmadog

    We don’t see the point of fetch and retrieve at our house. Mom’s last dog was into it, we have heard, but even if we do fetch, we would never dream of bringing it back to Mom!

  2. Jan K

    I love it when they’re not afraid to stick their noses right down in the water! You have to wonder how they seem to instinctually know not to breathe when they do it.

  3. Cathy Connolly

    Sticks and balls are a huge part of their lives and bringing them to mom and dad makes em happy!! It means play~play and more play! Norman was such a beauty!

  4. Tails Around the Ranch

    Simply fabulous! My brother’s two Chessies are the same though they ted to favor rocks in the creek on their property, Nothing like watching a Chessie submarining in water looking for the perfect rock to bring you to throw for them. 🙂